Recent Lafayette faculty publications include collaborations with eight current and recently graduated Lafayette student co-authors: Christina Marc ’00 (Makati City, Philippines), Kiswar Hossain ’01 (Dhaka, Bangladesh), Heather Simpkins ’99 (Lansdale, Pa.), Carolyn Ryder ’00 (Pitman, N.J.), Shannon Perreca ’01 (Denville, N.J.), Eric Slotkin ’01 (Cherry Hill, N.J.), Alyssa Markert ’00 (Darien, Conn.), and Jean Marie Ruddy ’01 (Dunmore, Pa.).
Ruddy coauthored two papers with Kreider Professor of Biology Shayal Majumdar, who published three recent journal articles involving two Lafayette student coauthors for each:
(coauthors Jean Marie Ruddy ’01 and Christina Marc ’00). “In Vitro Cytotoxic Evaluation of Fumagillin, A Potent Anti-Angiogenic Chemical, on Mouse and Human Cancer Cell Lines.” Advances in Pharmacology and Toxicology 1.2 (2000): 1-11.
— (coauthors Jean Marie B. Ruddy ’01 and Shannon Perreca ’01). “Antitumorigenic Evaluation of Thalidomide Alone and in Combination with Cisplatin on Tumor Development Induced by Murine Erythroleukemic Cells in Mice.” Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 74 (March 2001): 146-47 [abstract].
— (coauthors Eric M. Slotkin ’01 and Alyssa Markert ’00). “Cytotoxic Effects of Nisin, an Effective Antibiotic and Food Preservative, on Bacteria and Murine Erythroleukemic Cells.” Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 74 (March 2001): 148 [abstract].
The list of other recent faculty publications:
Susan A. Basow, Charles A. Dana Professor of Psychology
“Best and Worst Professors: Gender Patterns in Students’ Choices.” Sex Roles 43.5/6 (2000): 407-17.
Scott R. Hummel, assistant professor of mechanical engineering
(coauthors Kishwar Hossain ’01 and Gregory T. Hayes). “Biaxial Stress Relaxation of High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) Above the Glass Transition Temperature.” Polymer Engineering and Science 41.3 (2001): 566-74.
Bernard Fried, Gideon R., Jr., and Alice L. Kreider Professor Emeritus of Biology
(coauthor Heather L. Simpkins ’99). “Effects of a Diet Deficient in the B Complex Vitamins on Infectivity, Growth and Distribution of Echinostoma caproni in ICR Mice.” Journal of Helminthology 75 (2001): 77-80.
James E. Reibman, part-time visiting instructor of anthropology and sociology
“Fredric Wertham, Spiegelman’s Maus, and Representations of the Holocaust.” In The Graphic Novel. Ed. Jan Baetens. Leuven: Leuven University P, 2001. 23-30.
Dru Germanoski, professor and head of geology and environmental geosciences
(coauthors Jeanne C. Chambers, Jerry R. Miller, and Robin J. Tausch). “Changes in Vegetation and Geomorphic Processes in Central Nevada Watersheds Over the Past 5,000 Years: Implications for Riparian Ecosystems.” Proceedings of the Seventh Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Vol. 1. Reno, Nevada, March 25-29, 2001. II-115.
(coauthors Carolyn H. Ryder ’00 and Jerry R. Miller). “Spatial Variation of Incision and Deposition within a Rapidly Incised Upland Watershed, Central Nevada.” Proceedings of the Seventh Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Vol. 2. Reno, Nevada, March 25-29, 2001. XI-41-48.
John T. McCartney, associate professor and head of government and law
“The Influences of the Black Panther Party (USA) on the Vanguard Party of the Bahamas, 1972-1987.” In Liberation, Imagination, and the Black Panther Party: A New Look at the Panthers and Their Legacy. Ed. Kathleen Cleaver and George Katsiaficas. London: Routledge, 2001. 156-63.
Donald C. Jackson, associate professor of history and head of American studies
“Private Initiative, Public Works: Ed Fletcher, the Santa Fe Railway, and Phoenix’s Cave Creek Flood Control Dam.” In Fluid Arguments: Five Centuries of Western Water Conflict. Ed. Char Miller. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2001. 251-75.
Lee Upton, professor of English and writer-in-residence
“Pinocchio’s Son.” The Ohio Review 65 (2001): 444-48 [fiction].
— “A Provocation.” In Heart to Heart: New Poems Inspired by Twentieth-Century Art. Ed. Jan Greenberg. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2001. 29 [poem].