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A summer job at Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc. is introducing Yonghyun (John) Kim ’02, a double major in biochemistry and chemical engineering from Seoul, Korea, to the workings of the chemical industry.
Kim is an intern for research and development at the company’s Phillipsburg, N.J. facility. Mallinckrodt Baker manufactures and markets chemicals under the Mallinckrodt and J.T. Baker brands for the laboratory, biopharmaceutical, microelectronic, and industrial markets. Through his job, Kim is learning techniques for solid phase extractions and developing reference literature to be used in the industry. The work will help indicate what tests should be used for specific chemical separations.
“The situation is very good,” says Kim. “Before this, I didn’t think of myself in the working field, but I find it to be quite compatible to my inclinations and it could be a future path for me.”
Kim discovered the opportunity through the Job Vault maintained by Career Services. He began May 29 and will work through July 27.
Kim recently published a paper with Bernard Fried, Gideon R. Jr. and Alice L. Kreider Professor Emeritus of Biology, and Joseph Sherma, John D. and Frances H. Larkin Professor Emeritus of Chemistry in Journal of Planar Chromatography – Modern TLC. Last year, he was president of Lafayette Christian Fellowship.
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