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Posted December 6, 2001

Publication coauthored with a student:

Susan A. Basow, Charles A. Dana Professor of Psychology

  • (coauthor JoAnna L. Willis ’99) “Perceptions of Body Hair on White Women: Effects of Labeling.” Psychological Reports 89 (2001): 571-76.

Other recent publications:

G. Lyle Hoffman, Professor of Physics

  • (coauthor Jacqueline H. van Gorkom) “The Fine Structure of DDO 154.” Gas & Galaxy Evolution ASP Conference Series 240 (2001): 290-91.

William D. Jemison ’85, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • (coauthors Eric E. Funk and P. R. Herczfeld) “Hybrid Fiber/Millimeter-wave Wireless for Broadband Last Mile Access.” The 14th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society (LEOS 2001), San Diego, CA, November 11-15, 2001. 52-53.

Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures

  • “Christoph Ransmayr’s Die Schrecken des Eises und der Finsternis: Interweaving Fact and Fiction into a Postmodern Narrative.” In Modern Austrian Prose Interpretations and Insights. Ed. Paul F. Dvorak. Riverside, CA: Ariadne P, 2001. 269-85.

Kristen L. Sanford Bernhardt, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • (coauthors Mark R. Virkler and Nawaz M. Shaik) “Evaluation of Supplementary Traffic Control Measures for Freeway Work-Zone Approaches.” Transportation Research Record 1745 (2001): 10-19.

Joseph Sherma, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry

  • “A Field Guide to Instrumentation: Modern Sample Preparation Methodology. I. Automated SPE.” Inside Laboratory Management September/October 2001: 14-19.
  • “Pesticide Residue Analysis (1999-2000): A Review.” Journal of AOAC International 84.5 (2001): 1303-12.

Lee Upton, Professor of English and Writer-in-Residence

  • “I Want Candy.” John Ashbery Symposium. Field 65 (2001): 38-42 [essay].
  • “You and Your Birthdays.” The Moonwort Review. Issue 1 (2001) [poem].
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