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The Feb. 11 meeting of Student Government was called to order at 4:40 pm.
Motion to approve minutes from 2/4/03: Jon
Passes: Ryan
Lee Goldfarb, President — present
Liz Koskinen, Vice President — present
Jon Cohn, Treasurer — present
Charlotte Smith, Secretary — present
James LaBuz, Student Life — present
Sarah Hazel, Student Life — present
Ryan Sackmar, Academic Affairs — present
Dan LaTerra, Greek Liaison — excused
Josie Dykstra, Community Affairs — present
Susan Anamier, Multicultural Affairs — present
Amy Schwartz, Election Chair — present
Ryan Lawlis, Student Organizations — present
Andrew Kasman, Campus Student Services — present
Aly Dewji, Farinon Student Services — present
Colby Block, Public Relations — present
Lee Goldfarb – President
-Student Government photos must be finished for placement on windows outside of the office.
-A faculty tea is being set up. The dates for it will be discussed next week.
-The Leadership Conference was very successful. 180 students attended.
-Goal-setting time for Student Government is 5-7 pm on Monday.
-An All College Day meeting is 2/12/03.
-The Prologue weekend agenda was revised and attendance encouraged.
-Student Government representatives are encouraged to attend Black History Month events.
Liz Koskinen – Vice President
-Associate Rep. applications are due Friday.
-Attended the faculty meeting.
-A February speaker is being lined up.
Charlotte Smith – Secretary
-Office keys are available for pick up in Plant Ops. They must be picked up by 2/26/03.
Jon Cohn – Treasurer
-Allocated $150.00 to Equestrian Club.
Motion: Amy
Passes: Liz
-Allocated $0.00 to the French Club with a request to come back when they had a speaker lined up.
Motion: Charlotte
Passes: Ryan
-Decided to co-sponsor with Hillel and contribute $50.00 for flowers for women at the Third Street Alliance.
Motion: Jon
Passes: Colby
The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 pm.
Faithfully Submitted,
Charlotte Smith