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The student chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers will meet noon today to talk about the recent AIChE regional conference and discuss plans surrounding Lafayette’s possible hosting of the conference in 2005.
Open to the campus community, the meeting will take place in Acopian Engineering Center room 239. Free pizza will be provided.
Nine Lafayette students attended the AIChE conference at Villanova University last month. Marquis Scholar Alanna Cleary ’03 (Bloomsburg, Pa.) presented her work to develop a solvent that will allow for deactivation and clean-up of dangerous chemical munitions in landfills and other waste sites (see related story).
Cornell University will host next year’s AIChE conference.
The Lafayette group’s next meeting will take place noon Tuesday, April 29, when Amy Banko-Howell ’93, salts production superintendent at Mallinckrodt Baker, Phillipsburg, N.J., will talk about her work experience as an engineer.

A National Leader in Undergraduate Research. Alanna Cleary ’03 presented honors research she did under the guidance of James Ferri, assistant professor of chemical engineering, at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers’ regional conference.
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