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Ethan Berkove, assistant professor of mathematics, will speak on “Bringing Math into the Fold: Mathematics and Origami” noon Wednesday in Pardee Hall room 227.
Sponsored by the mathematics department, the Mathematical Adventures And Diversions event will include free lunch.
“What possible connection could there be between the traditional Japanese art of folding paper and mathematics? One might be surprised to learn that over the last couple of decades the connections between origami and mathematics have been extensively studied,” says Berkove. “Some of the results are purely recreational in nature. Others are deeper, relating to questions in classical geometry, graph theory, and algebra. The purpose of this talk is to give an introduction to some of what’s happening in this interesting intersection between art and mathematics. I’ll bring some interesting origami too!”
Berkove’s special interests in mathematics include algebraic topology and group theory. He earned his Ph.D. at University of Wisconsin.
MAAD is a series of talks on mathematical topics and applications that are often not encountered in mathematics courses. They are open to the Lafayette community and assume no special mathematical preparation on the part of the audience.
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