The meeting was called to order at 4:17 pm. Thirteen members were present.
Minutes from March 29th, 2005 were approved.
Motion: Andrew
Second: Lindsay
Motion Passes
Minutes from April 5th, 2005 were approved.
Motion: Andrew
Second: Lori
Motion Passes
Minutes from April 12th, 2005 were approved.
Motion: Andrew
Second: Amaya
Motion Passes
Andrew Kasman, President — present
Amy Schwartz, Vice President — present
Ryan Lawlis, Secretary — present
Meghan Hargrave, Treasurer — present
Bryan Shive, Student Life — present
Lindsay DeHartchuck, Student Life — present
Kara Boodakian, Academic Affairs — present
Lori Anderson, Greek Liaison — present
Sarah Rogers, Community Affairs — present
Preeza Shrestha, Multicultural Affairs — present
Julie Sauer, Student Organizations — present
Amaya Henry, Farinon Student Services — present
Luke Matthews, Elections Chair — excused
Amanda Niederauer, Public Relations — present
Mark Ranta, Campus Student Services – excused
Andrew Kasman – President
-The Pepper Prize Committee has nominated candidates.
-The Student Government will support the Textbook Recycle Bookdrive for ACS.
-Joe Binotto will come in today to discuss soliciting student input for Dining Services issues.
-This Saturday is the Student Government concert; we will meet at 11AM in Farinon to set up.
Meghan Hargrave – Treasurer
-Motion to table AYA Magazine’s Emergency Request of $1000.
Motion: Meghan
Second: Amaya
Motion Passes
-Motion to allocate the Tsunami Relief Committee $0, because it is not a recognized club.
Motion: Andrew
Second: Ryan
Motion Passes
-Motion to approve the 2005-2006 Club Budget.
Motion: Ryan
Second: Lindsay
Motion Passes
-Thanks to Julie, Lindsay, and Amanda, the 2005-2006 Club Budget was completed painlessly.
Julie Sauer – Student Organizations
-Motion to approve the Model UN’s revised constitution.
Motion: Julie
Second: Lori
Motion Passes
Amanda Niederauer – Public Relations
-More advertising this week for the concert.
-Will advertise for the large food focus group when it gets organized.
-I emailed organizations about the concert.
Lindsay DeHartchuck – Student Life
-BBQ is finalized
-food pick up at 11:30 AM
-grilling at noon
-will be inquiring if we can also use Fiji’s grill as well
-April 30th is FCC water ice social
-volleyball, etc on quad
-completion of shirts unknown
The meeting was adjourned at 5:35.
Motion: Sarah
Second: Lindsay
Motion Passes
Faithfully Submitted,
April 12, 2005
April 5, 2005
March 29, 2005