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The Lafayette student chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) has planned a second annual 5K run/walk Sunday as a fundraiser to support its Honduras project.

In an effort scheduled to take three to five years, the students are designing and will eventually construct a clean water distribution system, as well as irrigation, for several rural communities in Yoro, Honduras, which never have had access to safe drinking water. People have to travel long distances to obtain water, which is polluted with chemicals and animal excrement. Engineers Without Borders honored Lafayette’s student chapter with the Education Award at its national conference in September.

Students from all disciplines are welcome to join EWB to help with design, financing, logistics, translation, and other issues. Students who are especially interested can enroll in the Engineering Policy and Design course taught by Sharon Jones, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering.

“The charity event will raise money for our chapter of EWB to send a small group of us to Honduras. We also want to inform students and the local community about the organization and what we are hoping to accomplish,” says mechanical engineering major Matt Young ’05 (Burke, Va.).

Eight members of the EWB chapter and adviser David Brandes, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, traveled to Honduras last year to work on the project. They completed a geographical survey and water quality study, attended meetings with the area water board and mayor, and made friends in the community.

“It’s exciting because we are starting construction in Yoro this summer. That’s why the project needs more funding. We need all the support we can get to make this project happen,” says biology major Diane Mitchell ’05 (Bath, Pa.).

Among others, 5K run/walk organizers include mechanical engineering major Doug Fox ’05 (Peace Dale, R.I.), economics and business major Lori Anderson ’06 (Haworth, N.J.), and mechanical engineering major Arno Alarcón ’06 (Delmar, NY).

The race will start at 1 p.m. in front of Gilbert’s. Easton police officers will help escort walkers/runners through the streets of College Hill. Registration is $10 and includes a T-shirt. Participants of all ability levels are welcome. Local businesses have contributed prizes for race winners. There will also be a raffle drawing and free food. For more information or to register, contact Mitchell at (610) 360-1935.

Engineers Without Borders USA is a national non-profit organization dedicated to helping the developing world with engineering needs while involving and training internationally responsible students.

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