The Class of 1977 has plenty of reasons to celebrate at Reunion this June.
“This Reunion marks our class’ 30th reunion, and it’s a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with classmates who might not have come to previous Reunions,” says Paula Askman Byrum ’77, Reunion co-chair and class webmaster. “Lafayette gives us four years of growing up and those years are so important. Reunion brings it all back and reminds us where we came from.”
Aside from the many Reunion events, including dinners, picnics, lectures, and individual class activities, there’s another reason to celebrate.
“Our class is having a special tent on the Quad just for us,” says Nancy Edgar Winkler ’77, Reunion co-chair. “It’ll be our headquarters for the whole weekend. While members of our class might not be able to stay for the whole weekend, the tent will be there as they come and go. It’ll give us a central meeting place and allow us to more easily see fellow classmates that we might not run into otherwise,” she says.
Class President Barbara Levy ’77 is not only looking forward to seeing her fellow classmates, but also to the down time that Reunion provides.
“I always look forward to the ‘time out’ from our hectic family and business schedules. Reunion gives us time to relax and catch up with old friends and acquaintances, and meet new friends in a fun and beautiful setting on the Hill,” she says. “I think that most people find their college experience one that was a good foundation for many of their life decisions. Incredible friendships are formed and a sense of belonging to Lafayette years after attending is very strong. I have even created new relationships with former classmates that I didn’t know while on campus but have kept in touch with in the last five years since the last Reunion.”
Alumni can look forward to the Reunion dinner on Saturday, June 2, where dancing and good times are sure to ensue.
“The dinner is nice because it’s a gathering for our class in particular,” says Byrum. “It’ll be nice to see the people we graduated with all together in a group again.”