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Former Lafayette rugby players, ranging from one-year participants to four-year veterans, are invited to return to campus for a reunion Saturday, May 5.
All rugby alumni are encouraged to attend the free event, regardless of whether they plan to participate in the annual games against the men’s and women’s student teams. The matches will take place on the rugby pitch at Metzgar Fields, with starting times tentatively set at 11 a.m. for the women and 1 p.m. for the men.
Although the annual alumni-student games tend to be informal, an ambulance will be on site in the case of an emergency. The women’s game in particular is a low-key affair, notes organizer Karen Mandel ’05. The competition is typically followed by an alumni outing characterized by festive socializing, drinks, and the singing of rugby songs.
“I really want to encourage even the alums who can’t play in the game to come and watch the game and socialize,” says Mandel. “We all had great times playing rugby in college, and it’s really fun to come back and live it all over again for one day.”
“I welcome anyone who ever played to come and join us,” she adds. “No matter how long they were on the team, they are still ‘rugby alums’ and we would love to see them. It’s something fun to do and alums can certainly bring their significant others and their children if they have any.”
Those who know of rugby alumni for whom the College may not have contact information are asked to forward this article to them. For more information or to be added to the email list of rugby alumni, contact Mandel,