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Program will include many holiday favorites

The Lafayette Concert Choir and Chamber Singers will present their winter season performance 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 8 in the Williams Center for the Arts. Sponsored by the music department, the concert is free and open to the public.

The performance will be conducted by Jennifer Kelly, assistant professor of music and director of choral activities, and accompanied by Patricia O’Connell and Elizabeth Manus on piano. The one-hour program includes a wide variety of choral music from the 16th century to the present, including works by Haydn, Rutter, Poulenc, and Whitacre, and a collection of holiday favorites.

Before the concert, the Lafayette Brass Ensemble, under the direction of Ken Brader, will perform in the lobby of the Williams Center beginning at 7:30 p.m. After the concert, there will be a reception in the lobby with cookies, cider, and holiday carols.

“The students’ energy, dedication, and teamwork pour out of the music,” says Kelly. “The vast majority of students in our choirs are non-music majors from all over the school sharing the goal of music making. Choir is a creative vehicle from which we can express ourselves with passion, while facilitating teamwork and broadening our world-view with varied cultures, styles, and languages.”

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