Alyssa Calomeni ’11 and Professor Megan Rothenberger
Eight biology majors and a government and law major will present research papers with their faculty advisers at the 87th annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science April 1-3 at Penn State’s Altoona campus.
Afua Akuffo ’11 (Accra, Ghana), Jason Ewer ’13 (Kingston, Jamaica), Caroline Vail ’12 (Bethlehem, Pa.), and Robert Kurt, associate professor of biology, will present research on mouse and human breast cancer.
Kelsey Andersen ’11 (Long Branch, N.J.) worked with Manuel Ospina-Giraldo, assistant professor of biology, on Phytophthora infestans, the organism that caused the Irish Potato Famine.
Alyssa Calomeni ’11 (Bend, Ore.) and Megan Rothenberger, assistant professor of biology, studied the environmental characteristics and plankton dynamics of Raritan Bay.
Andrew Chun ’12 (Monroe, N.Y.), a government and law major, worked with Rothenberger to assess the quality and availability of geographic information system data from point and non-point sources of nutrients and pollutants in the Raritan River Basin.
Jason Ewer ’13 (Kingston, Jamaica), Vail, and Kurt will present an analysis of DAMP expression in mouse and human breast cancer.
Jeffrey Hollander ’11 (Victor, Idaho) and Rothenberger researched the distribution, decomposition rate, and phosphorus content of two exotic plant species.
Alyssa Leone ’12 (Voorhees, N.J.) and Meghan Schlitt ’11 (Haddonfield, N.J.) will present research they performed with James Dearworth, assistant professor of biology and chair of neuroscience, on pupil constriction in the red-ear slider turtle.