Brothers of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity marked the 160th anniversary of the Rho Chapter’s founding at Lafayette and the opening of its renovated chapter house with celebratory events during Homecoming Weekend.

The brothers of Delta Kappa Epsilon in 1890
The house reopened at the beginning of the academic year following an extensive renovation that transformed living spaces and added common areas for social events and meetings. President Alison Byerly said the project provides a model to draw on for living-learning communities at Lafayette, which are a key focus of the College’s Live Connected, Lead Change campaign.
A signature space in the house is a new solarium named in honor of the late Edward A. “Ned” Jesser Jr. ’39, a DKE brother and longtime trustee of the College. It was made possible by the generosity of Edward A. “Chip” Jesser III ’68 and Peggy Jesser P’07.
Thanks to the support of more than 100 alumni and friends, more than $1.3 million was raised for the project.
A plaque erected in the house recognizes these major donors:
- President’s Circle: Allan P. Kirby Jr. ’53
- Order of the Winged Disk: Edward A. “Ned” Jesser Jr. ’39 and B. Reilly ’83
- Rampant Lion Club: Paul F. McCurdy ’82, Daniel S. Huffenus ’86, Todd E. Wiltshire ’86, Mark C. Gupta ’87, and Mark J. Federov ’91
- Sybil’s Cave Alliance: Harry N. Bockus Jr. ’50, Thomas J. Neff ’59, Michael D. Browne ’83, Neill C. Kling ’85, Christopher W. Nolan ’86, and David V. DeWolf ’95
Also renovated were the kitchen, bathrooms, plumbing, heating and cooling system, electrical system, and laundry areas. Improvements were also made to the brick facade, masonry, walkways, concrete, windows, doors, roof, and landscaping.
Members of the 160th Anniversary Campaign Steering Committee were McCurdy, Michael De Lisi ’93, and Mark Suffredini ’93. Key campaign advisers and volunteers included Huffenus, Wiltshire, Asela Gunawardana ’95, Scott Harris ’95, Bob Loughlin ’53, and Michael Rupolo ’12.