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visiting instructor of sociology
Ph.D. candidate, sociology, University of Akron
What I’m studying:
“Medical sociology, gender inequalities and fat studies. Fat studies is an interdisciplinary area of study on fat stigma and the experiences of fat people. My current research is on weight-loss surgery patients. My study focuses on the moral imperative to be healthy. Fat people are often stigmatized because they are viewed as unhealthy, yet research suggests that fat people can be healthy and practice healthy behaviors.”
What I’m looking forward to:
“I’m excited to engage students to develop their critical thinking skills—like the sociological imagination and empathetic understanding towards other people.”
What you can expect from me:
“I try to be interactive, funny, and high energy and focus on the concept of sociological imagination, which connects a person to the historical experiences around them. You can’t understand the here and now until you know where history has led us.”

What I’m holding:
“A future tattoo drawing. My friend and I joked about a pinup tattoo for a fat studies person. We thought of a manatee as my spirit animal. I swam with them in February in Florida. This image is a celebration of fat embodiment.”
Categorized in: New Faculty