An aerial view of Lafayette college's quad. The top 25% of the frame is and early evening sky. The city of Easton Pa and it's West Ward can be seen in the background.

Lafayette College is pleased to announce the Birle Family Endowed Professorship in Interdisciplinary Scholarship and Research. This new professorship will strengthen the College’s already robust interdisciplinary opportunities by creating additional possibilities for collaborative research and learning.

The Birle Professorship, inspired by Lafayette’s strategic plan priorities and associated goals, aligns with the College’s dedication to interdisciplinary exploration in departments and programs across campus.

Endowing a faculty position specifically designed to enhance connections both between disciplines and within interdisciplinary programs will reinforce Lafayette’s promise to provide students with a rewarding educational experience.

The power of interdisciplinary opportunities at Lafayette is in the “AND”—the intersection between fields where the most dynamic, innovative ideas often emerge. The Birle Professorship will support a distinguished faculty member whose work will focus on the blending of such perspectives.

“Lafayette has long been a leader in interdisciplinary education, and this endowed professorship strengthens our ability to amplify this even further,” says President Nicole Hurd. “By investing in faculty we reinforce our commitment to equipping students with the skills to navigate a complex and interconnected world. I am deeply grateful to the Birle family for making this vision a reality.” 

Lafayette’s strategic plan prioritizes interdisciplinary collaboration as a key pillar of its academic mission. For students, this professorship will mean expanded opportunities for hands-on, collaborative learning experiences that push them to make connections across fields. It will also enhance Lafayette’s ability to attract and retain top faculty whose work exemplifies interdisciplinary excellence.

“We are honored to support this endowed professorship in interdisciplinary scholarship and research,” says Jim Birle Jr. ’83, P’16, who has served as a member of Lafayette’s Board of Trustees since 2008. 

“Our hope is that this professorship will create opportunities for faculty and students to collaborate in new ways, explore research between disciplines, and create solutions for our communities. We are inspired by the vision in the strategic plan that builds on and elevates this distinctive strength of the College.”

Birle’s extensive service to Lafayette began in 2008 as an Alumni Associate on the board’s Financial Policy Committee. He also served in many volunteer leadership roles over the years assisting with mentorship programs among others. He received an A.B. in history from Lafayette in 1983 and an MBA in finance from the Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania in 1989. Birle and his wife Judith have three children, including their daughter Katie who is a graduate of the Class of 2016.

For Lafayette, endowed professorships are among the most prestigious forms of support for faculty excellence. The College is fortunate to have more than 30 endowed chairs, professorships, and positions. This new position may be located in any department or program on campus and will be filled with a focus on the College’s strategic priorities.

“We are thrilled about the Birle Family Endowed Professorship in Interdisciplinary Scholarship and Research,” says Provost Laura McGrane. “It offers a powerful opportunity to bring additional areas of research and teaching to Lafayette. The College is a powerhouse in interdisciplinary programs and collaborations between disciplines. This professorship is especially exciting as we creatively engage the challenges of the moment in our intellectual endeavors across the liberal arts—inclusive of engineering.”

Categorized in: Academic News, Featured News, Giving News, Interdisciplinary, News and Features, Strategic plan

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