New Gift

Supporting the revitalization of the Portlock Black Cultural Center
Heidi Ludwick Hanson ’91 hopes her support will enrich the multicultural experience on campus
Generous members of the Lafayette community are investing in the College to provide students with an exceptional educational experience
On Founders’ Day, March 9, we honor our past, celebrate the present, and invest in the future of a College that is on the cusp of a 200-year anniversary. Since 1826, Lafayette has been revered as a special and distinctive place….and it is even more so today. From its humble beginnings, educating 43 students in a rented farmhouse at the top of College Hill, to preparing today’s talented and fearless 2,700+ students, Lafayette has never wavered from its mission to equip scholars to be tomorrow’s doers, thinkers, and changemakers. Here, we spotlight a few members of our community who have made contributions to enhance the Lafayette student experience.
Heidi Ludwick Hanson ’91 hopes her support will enrich the multicultural experience on campus
Improvements will enhance recruiting efforts and prestige of men’s and women’s teams
President Nicole Farmer Hurd welcomes a longtime supporter of the College to episode three of her uplifting video series
Parents can volunteer their time, talent, and treasure: “Get involved. Spend time if you can. It’s interesting and rewarding to support students.”