Tania Israel

Photo by Bob Blackwell

Tania Israel is a Professor of Counseling Psychology and an Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Dr. Israel’s expertise is grounded in 25 years of research in psychology, an award-winning book about dialogue across political disagreement (Beyond Your Bubble: How to Connect Across the Political Divide, Skills and Strategies for Conversations That Work. APA, 2020), and decades of leadership in professional and community settings.

Events sponsored by the Office of the President, Division of Inclusion, Division of Student Life, and Landis Center for Community Engagement. 

October 16, 2024

Realizing the Promise of Higher Education in a Divided World
12-1:15 p.m. | Wilson Room, Pfenning
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Open Workshop for Faculty/Staff/Administrators (lunch will be served)

These are troubled times on college campuses for many reasons, including political criticism of higher education, the lead up to a contentious presidential election, and the continuing reverberations of the Israel-Gaza war. This strife can impede students’ ability to achieve educational and developmental goals and affect the well-being of faculty, staff, and administrators. How can colleges achieve the promise of higher education while facing these challenges? Is it possible that these predicaments can actually offer an opportunity to promote inquiry, support wellness, prepare students to be engaged citizens, and address historical injustices? Grounded in evidence, experience, and a lifetime in higher education, Dr. Israel offers vision and strategies to help colleges embrace the potential of this moment.

October 16, 2024

Keynote Address: All I Need to Know About Political Conflict, I Learned From The Wizard of Oz
4:15-5:30 p.m. | Colton Chapel
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(refreshments provided)

Roiled by social media algorithms, provocative news, and clashing politicians, Americans are experiencing increased stress and interpersonal conflict. The divergent appeals for action to elected officials, demands for media reform, and calls for “the other side” to change their tactics reveal frustration and can result in paralyzing disempowerment. Drawing on a familiar and imaginative narrative, Dr. Israel takes her audiences on a journey down the yellow brick road to help them navigate the challenges of living in politically polarized times. Attendees will gain knowledge, skills, and motivation to strengthen their individual capacity and perhaps even to repair our ruptured country.

October 17, 2024

Cancel or Connect? Campus Culture in a Divided World
12-1:15 p.m. | Wilson Room, Pfenning
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Open Workshop for Students (lunch will be served)

These are troubled times on college campuses. DEI is framed as both under attack and on the attack. National and world conflicts can play out in classrooms, conference rooms, and public spaces. Free speech, social justice, and mental health hang in the balance. What societal and psychological forces contribute to campus dynamics? How do we hold people accountable while encouraging growth? What advocacy strategies are both effective and authentic? This program will employ evidence, storytelling, and skills to help students navigate current challenges.




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