Biener elected to Eastern Economic Association board, Liu elected to Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association board
Two members of the Economics Department faculty, Adam Biener and Hongxing Liu, were recently elected to the boards of two regional and influential economics organizations.
Prof. Adam Biener
Biener, assistant professor of economics, will serve a three-year term on the board of directors of the Eastern Economic Association (EEA), a regional economics association that hosts an annual academic conference and oversees the peer-reviewed, general interest Eastern Economic Journal.
EEA has operated for more than 50 years and brings together economists across disciplines.
The EEA “is an excellent place for Ph.D. students and early career economists to present their research and build professional networks,” says Biener, who, as a board member, will assist in planning conferences and contribute to the programs and outreach of the EEA.
He notes that Lafayette has a long history with the EEA, with Susan Averett, Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics, and Ed Gamber, David M. ’70 and Linda Roth Professor Emeritus of Economics, having served as co-editors of the Eastern Economic Journal. Julie Smith, Frank Lee and Edna M. Smith Professor of Economics and assistant department head, currently serves as an associate editor at the journal.
Prof. Hongxing Liu
Liu, associate professor of economics, was elected to a three-year term on the board of directors of the Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA).
A member of NAREA since joining Lafayette in 2017, she began by attending conferences and was later selected as a fellow for the Career Advancement and Mentorship (CAM) program, a flagship initiative designed to promote inclusion and support junior faculty.
Since then, Liu has also served as chair of both the communications and awards committees, and over time she became a member of the CAM steering committee and will serve as its chair for the next three years.
“Being elected to the board of directors is a recognition of my contributions to NAREA and an opportunity to help shape its future,” Liu says. “I am deeply committed to making the economics profession more inclusive, particularly for junior scholars and women. As the faculty adviser for the Women in Economics Club at Lafayette College, I believe we are making a meaningful impact.”