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Lafayette’s mock trial team has advanced to the American Mock Trial Association (AMTA) Opening Round Championship series March 22-23 in Washington, D.C.

The team earned the berth by placing fourth at the Bristol, R.I., Regional Tournament hosted by Roger Williams University last month. Tricia Riordan ’14 (Baldwin, N.Y.) received an outstanding witness award and Aaron Freedman ’15 (Merion Station, Pa.) won an outstanding attorney award.

Chris Reginer '15 competes at last year's Easton Regional Mock Trial Tournament

Chris Reginer ’14

Sponsored by the AMTA, the competition was one of 25 official regional tournaments across the nation in February. More than 500 teams from 350 colleges and universities participate at the regional level. Eight teams from each competition advance to the opening round championships, leading to the selection of 48 teams that will compete in the AMTA National Championship Tournament April 11-13.

Other students who will compete in Washington, D.C., are Ryan Burke ’16 (Cape May, N.J.), Joe Chollak ’14 (Meadowbrook, Pa.), Nick Franchetti ’14 (Voorhees, N.J.), Kaitlin Kinsella ’17 (Wilmington, Mass.), Marielle Meaney ’17 (New York, N.Y.), Brianna Messina ’17 (Manalapan, N.J.), Andrea Rastelli ’16 (West Chester, Pa.), and Chris Regnier ’14 (Lakewood, Colo.).

In mock trial, participants portray attorneys and witnesses to argue a fictitious court case. All teams are given the same case to prepare, but changes are incorporated by AMTA as the competition advances to give teams new challenges and force them to create new case theories.

This year’s case is the State of Midlands v. Whitt Bowman. In the criminal case, Bowman, an employee of the RacheterWorld Amusement Park, is arrested in connection with a robbery and assault at the park. Another suspect remains at large.

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  1. Arlene Messina says:

    Congratulations and Good Luck to the Mock Trial Team. Your dedication and hard work are truly admirable.

  2. Ellen Kravet Burke says:

    I am so proud of Ryan and Tricia! Good luck in DC.

  3. Francey Kanengiser Burke says:

    Great job Lafayette Mock Trial! Best of luck in DC.

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