The Executive Committee of the Alumni Association met at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, January 19, 2007 at Lydian Wealth Management in New York City
Executive Committee members in attendance were: Jamie McLaughlin ’76 (President), Paul McCurdy ’82 (President-Elect), David Reif ’68 (Vice President), Simmone Chaddan ’04, Greg Crawford ’68, Sallie Howell ’80, Sherri Jones (Secretary), Morgan Albus Mooney ’03 and David Schwager ’84
Executive Committee members in attendance via the phone were: Ed Auble ’61, Laurie Broderick ’92, Pamela Gaary Holran ’88, Amanda Alpert Knight ’99 and Ellen Weiler ’83
Staff members in attendance were: Dave Block ’93, Jim Dicker ’85, Jamie Hughes ’05, Ruth Hutnik (recorder via phone) and Mary Pat Staats
The Executive Committee approved the minutes of the meeting of November 11, 2006
III. WELCOME REMARKS (Jamie McLaughlin ’76)
A. Introduction of Justin Esposito ’07, an intern at Lydian; worked with Jamie for three weeks.
B. Welcome Morgan Albus Mooney ’03, new chair of the Homecoming Committee.
A. Clock is ticking; Paul McCurdy to be taking over soon; there is an urgency to move the needle.
B. Disappointed in the lack of meetings with chairs and committee members between board meetings. Would like to see us really get engaged before next meeting. We need to share information ahead of time for inclusion in the docket.
a. Pam Holran stated that this is a historical problem.
b. What can we do to help facilitate? Is it a schedule issue?
c. We want our committee members to feel as though they are contributing.
d. Should we survey the entire board to see what the issues are?
e. We need to keep the momentum going even if only 75% of the committee can meet via phone.
f. Chairs need to assign someone on committee to take notes at meetings.
C. Open issue: George Beres ’00 resigned as chair of the Undergraduate Relations Committee and we’re looking at several candidates. We will present to the Nominating Committee.
D. Terms have been set for the Executive Committee and are on the org chart.
a. ACTION ITEM: Now that we have established terms for our Executive Committee members, we need to establish terms for the committee members as well. Jamie proposes two-year terms which can be renewed.
E. Most of the committees are at the ideal size; we’re roughly at 91% capacity.
F. We want to tweak the board a bit and give various constituents a seat at the table.
a. Student rep(s), faculty rep(s) (we could have better faculty/alumni connections); and Greek rep(s):
b. We’ve had these reps on the Board in the past PLUS parents—all good ideas (Jim Dicker)
c. ACTION ITEM: Work toward getting student, faculty and parent representation on the board.
G. Jamie, Paul and Sherri met with Dee Jacobs and Ed Alkire in NYC in November to validate the work they’ve done.
a. They provided an extensive background on the long-range plan.
b. Dee made a Power Point presentation and provided more detail of the intentions of the long-range plan.
c. There was disappointment on their part as some items weren’t adopted, but they were also surprised at what we’ve accomplished so far.
d. We need to do a better job of telling people what we’re doing; the students don’t even know about us or that there is an alumni page on the web.
e. We want to keep Dee and Ed involved as emeriti.
f. ACTION ITEM: Circulate 8-10 bullet points that came out of meeting to Executive Committee.
g. ACTION ITEM: Dave Block to give a presentation of the alumni home page at the April board meeting.
H. Communications piece is “owned” by Public Information
a. Dave to be the single point of contact for input and ideas.
b. Pam Holran stated the Alumni Association page is very sterile. It needs to be more inviting and informational. Ideas and input needed from committees as to what they want on the website, such as pictures, contents, Podcasts, etc.
c. Paul McCurdy to enlist the help of two of his interns to look at our website and compare it to other college websites and report back on their findings—the sizzle factor.
d. ACTION ITEM: Implement an alumni communications strategy with the Executive Committee and PIO. Do a diagnostic evaluation. We need a volunteer to be the contact person on the Executive Committee. Ideas roll to that person and then is presented to Dave Block in PIO. Simmone Chaddan has agreed to be that person.
e. ACTION ITEM: During the regular cycle of committee meetings, we need to be asking, “How can our alumni web site be of better use and a better facilitator of information?” Dave Block to be copied on it.
I. Celebrating diversity
a. A magazine, “The McDonogh Report,” and a companion website will be launched shortly. This publication and website will celebrate the impressive contributions of African Americans to the Lafayette College community.
b. ACTION ITEM: Sherri to distribute copies of the McDonogh Report to the Executive Committee.
c. ACTION ITEM: In every issue of the Alumni News, we should highlight our alumni of color.
J. Disaffected Greeks
a. Jim Dicker did a report on their giving; no proportional difference.
b. The most disaffected group is the most recent group that went defunct.
c. The Alumni Office did a communications piece on the web, offering Pfenning and the office’s services to Greek groups when planning receptions and gatherings.
d. Greek life and traditions up to and including the 1980’s were a huge part of campus life—we need to acknowledge and respect that. However, life on campus has changed and we need to embrace and respect new traditions. (Pam Holran)
e. ACTION ITEM: Jim Dicker to provide Jamie and Paul with some leads.
f. ACTION ITEM: Continue to remind the Greeks that we’re here to help.
K. Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association
a. We need to comply with the By-laws and have an annual meeting for all alumni where we present/accept nominations for officers and give an update on the status/progress of the Alumni Association.
b. Meeting to be held during Reunion prior to the President’s State of the College on Saturday morning.
c. Jamie wants to make sure that all alumni are welcome at all of the Executive Committee meetings. This is a communications issue and we need to decide the best way to get the message out there (probably website).
d. ACTION ITEM: Look at what the By-laws dictate for time frame to notify alumni about the annual meeting.
e. ACTION ITEM: The Alumni Association is to “host” Dan’s speech?
f. ACTION ITEM: Notice to go out to all alumni; first ½ hour is the business meeting; mailing to go out in March.
g. ACTION ITEM: Put into the Reunion brochure: Saturday, 9:30 a.m. – 10 a.m.: Alumni Association Business Meeting/Election featuring an update from the president of the Alumni Association; 10 a.m.: President Weiss to give an update on the state of the College.
A. We’re really making headway with alumni outreach and engagement:
a. Currently we have 27 active chapters with an eye toward developing or revitalizing 14 more chapters before the end of the fiscal year.
b. Our alumni hosted 60 football telecast parties in 28 states (54 were done in collaboration with Lehigh). This represents a 27% increase in locations and outreach. Attendance more than doubled from last year (800 vs. 400). Next year we will more than likely expand and offer a few international sites.
c. For the first time this year we are expanding Lafapalooza and it will be a national effort to include alumni from 10 of our strongest chapters. The official name is: Lafapalooza: Lafayette’s National Day of Service. This ties into the president’s objective about community service and outreach. We are excited about this and believe it is a very important endeavor. Our hope is that it will continue to grow with each passing year. Jamie Hughes will be heading up this project.
d. Our office is trying to expand our student outreach. Our goal is to bring them together as a class, to Pfenning, and expose them to the Alumni Office and Alumni Association. We have several events planned for the spring semester:
1. Freshmen: Welcome to the Alumni Association event for second semester freshmen (which is when they officially become members of the Alumni Association). It will be an informal pizza gathering in Pfenning where we will officially welcome them and give each a certificate to mark the occasion. Last year we had over 50 freshmen in attendance.
2. Sophomores: Pfun at Pfenning on Phat Tuesday will have a Mardi Gras theme. Each student will be given a Lafayette cup with goodies in it from the Alumni Association. New event.
3. Juniors: Just Desserts event in Pfenning with plenty of sugar and carbs. New event.
4. Seniors: Formal cocktail party in Pfenning during Senior Week; we will give out the “Life After School, Explained” books to our seniors as a gift from the Alumni Association. Last year the Wilson room was packed with over 200 seniors in attendance. We hope this year will be equally as successful.
5. Seniors and young alumni:We will be hosting an Orientation to Life event for our seniors and young alumni which will address the needs and concerns of these two populations. This is a new event and the brainchild of the Young Alumni Committee under Simmone’s direction.
6. Legacies: Sweet on Lafayette event where our legacies network with each other and build ice cream sundaes. Last year we had over 60 legacies show up for this event.
7. International students: We will have an alumni dinner panel event geared specifically toward our international students and their unique needs and concerns.
8. Alumni/student networking events: Our office continues to collaborate with the Career Services Office in offering these events to our students and alumni in NYC and Philadelphia.
B. Reunion 2007 is shaping up to be a vibrant and intellectually charged event. We have more faculty speakers lined up and for the first time, have added a community service component.
C. Our office is working at implementing a more formalized faculty speaker program. Mary Pat Staats and Sherri Jones, through Provost Cummings, had an opportunity to appear before the department heads to discuss increasing faculty involvement in our programs. Each department head was given an informational packet. We will send another such packet to the department heads in March of 2007. To date we have around 18 interested faculty members and over 20 staff members who are willing to speak to alumni groups. Response has been rather slow, but we are confident the program will continue to grow. The Alumni Office provides a listing of willing faculty members (and their available dates) to each chapter leader. The Alumni Office reimburses the faculty members for travel expenses.
D. The Online Community continues to grow. To date over 3,000 of our alumni have registered for the Community and we have email addresses for over 50% of our alumni body. Public Information has done a fine job of marketing the Community via printed materials and electronically.
E. This year the Alumni Association has awarded the Daniel L. Golden ’34 Faculty Service Award to Larry Malinconico, associate professor of geology and environmental geosciences. This award recognizes faculty members for distinguished volunteer service to Lafayette through the Lafayette College Alumni Association and its organized alumni activities. We can’t imagine anyone more deserving of this award than Larry. He consistently steps forward to volunteer his time and talent to help promote the initiatives of the Alumni Association. The nomination was approved unanimously.
The award will be presented at the Faculty and Staff Awards Dinner in May.
F. Our office is in the process of creating an official archive for our Alumni Association documents. Ruth Hutnik has been in touch with Elaine Stomber from Skillman to set the process in motion.
G. In your packet is the 2006-2007 Alumni Association budget. We have increased the chapters budget by $10,000 due to the explosive growth of the program. The budget was unanimously approved and the motion was carried. Some issues:
a. Our budget continues to be stretched. While our alumni base and programs continue to increase, our budget only increases by 1% each year.
b. The difference between Lafayette and other colleges is that we don’t ask our alumni to pay for events in their entirety (if at all). They’re either free or heavily subsidized.
c. Bank of America (formerly MBNA) funds are decreasing each year (we received more money at the front end of the contract). We need to come up with ways to generate income for the Alumni Association.
d. The Alumni Office is looking at resurrecting the alumni travel program to generate some additional income.
e. Paul will ask his externs to look at what other colleges are doing to generate income.
H. Before the end of the year our office would like to set up a listserve of all Alumni Board members so we can keep all of our volunteers in the loop concerning all Alumni Association matters.
A. Dave mentioned that Rob Clark, Class Notes editor, had sent an email to most classes encouraging alumni to join the Alumni Online Community and submit their Class Notes items there.
B. Around a month ago an article appeared on the website concerning Reunion.
C. There will be a robust website in advance of Reunion.
A. Since she is so new to the committee, Morgan would welcome any recommendations for committee members.
B. Currently Chas Snyder ’78 is the only committee member.
C. Morgan would like to have the committee at full capacity by our board meeting in April.
D. The survey summary from Homecoming 2006 will be completed by May and Morgan will report back to the Alumni Office by July 1.
E. Morgan plans to schedule a conference call with her committee to make recommendations for Homecoming 2007.
F. Jamie mentioned a possible retreat/enrichment program where faculty and alumni speak.
G. We may want to look at Yale’s model for their Homecoming. It has more of an enrichment component. (Dave Reif)
H. We need to offer an enrichment component to Homecoming and not have the event driven solely by the football game. We need current interest topics to draw people back to campus.
A. Laurie Broderick ’92 is the new co-chair.
B. This past year has been a year of transition for the committee.
C. Dave and Laurie would like to set up a meeting of the entire committee.
D. The Reunion 2007 program looks robust. Some highlights: Terrific faculty and staff presentations; PA Artists on Tour Showcase; Bourger Varsity House dedication and open house; the Skip Wilkins Quartet will be performing; Dan Ramus ’82 and Andrea Cohen Malamut ’78 (Andrea wrote and produced the movie Domestic Import) will be speaking; we will host the Alumni Association Annual Meeting open to all alumni; President Weiss will give the state of the College; we will host our second Volunteer Appreciation breakfast; and for the first time ever we will offer a community service project on Sunday through the Landis Center.
E. We’re currently in a position to “tweak” the program.
F. We need to add exciting alumni to the program. A lot of our alumni are interesting and accomplished.
IX. CHAPTERS COMMITTEE UPDATE (Amanda A. Knight ’99 & Mary Pat Staats)
A. Mary Pat and the Chapters Committee are working on the first draft of the Chapters Handbook. They hope to have it finished by the summer and have it posted online and in print and made available for Fall 2007 planning. This will be the primary communications vehicle for our chapter leaders.
B. For the first time in the Fall issue of the Alumni News, we had a Chapters Roundup section, highlighting the activities of our chapters.
C. We’re looking at developing a listserve for all of the chapter leaders.
D. Each committee member has been assigned two chapters to mentor.
E. Chapter presidents to attend Executive Committee meetings?
F. Do chapter leaders need more training?
G. Development of our chapters is our number one priority. The Alumni Office will be bringing 12 chapters on board this year.
H. Mary Pat is working with Beth Nelson toward establishing a London chapter before the end of the year.
I. We’re focusing on getting some of our smaller chapters back on board: South Jersey Shore, Northeast PA, Pittsburgh, Delaware Valley, Dallas, Atlanta, Houston, and six in Florida.
J. New group (primarily retirees) within the Northern Virginia/DC chapter are paralleling the monthly Philadelphia Chapter Leopard Luncheons. They will focus on their own membership to bring in speakers. This is an initiative of Bill Kirby’s.
K. We need to recruit more alumni and faculty/staff to speak at chapter events.
L. By the end of this fiscal year, President Weiss will have hit five (5) young and developing chapters, which is quite a boost to these new chapters.
M. Sallie Howell asked that chapters look at the Career Services volunteer survey cards. Do we want to copy?
A. On December 6, 2006, the Volunteer Committee had its first conference call.
B. The committee is in the process of putting a volunteer survey together.
C. Looking at training for all volunteers; will speak with Amanda.
D. The committee is looking at the web page, the design and ease of it.
E. The next conference call will be held in February.
F. Ellen is pleased with the involvement and number of her committee members. She would like to possibly add a student to the committee to get their perspective on how to make the transition and keep the connection going to get them into the fold; stewardship/fundraising.
G. Ellen has been in touch with Autumn regarding how the Lafayette community serves and is in touch with the local Easton community.
A. People to People organization on campus—a group to get people working together.
B. The president of ISA, Mevan Jayasinghe, would like for Barry McCarty and Ed to attend one of their meetings to outline what the committee is doing.
C. The ISA has over 200 members and is the largest student organization on campus.
D. The College currently has 400 alumni living internationally. We need to connect with them and not let them drop off after graduation.
E. After an article appears in the February issue of the Alumni News geared toward and concerning our international alumni, the Alumni Office will follow up with a survey asking our international alumni what they need/want from us to help them stay connected to Lafayette.
F. On April 3, the Alumni Office will be co-hosting a dinner panel with the Career Services Office geared specifically toward our international students (and their unique needs and questions) and alumni who have either worked or lived abroad to be available for questions, etc.
G. Before the end of the year the Alumni Office hopes to establish a London chapter.
H. Amanda was in London in December and tried to connect with our alumni living there, but did not get any responses.
I. We should have alumni designated as “ambassadors” in their countries. Example: Peter Lerner in Sweden can pass information on to us.
J. We need to use electronic means to keep our international alumni connected.
K. Is anything coming out of the Global Issues forum with Josh Sanborn?
L. Josh and Ed should connect and discuss this committee’s initiatives.
A. Sallie met with Linda Arra and Rachel Moeller to discuss the goals and objectives of the committee to align with the overall objectives of Career Services.
B. The committee held a conference call on January 10th for a committee update.
C. Externship Call Project: Committee members are contacting alumni for support.
D. Adding a parent rep to the committee (Susan Rosenthal). Awaiting confirmation.
E. Corporate Champions Program to generate champions among targeted corporations leveraging alumni.
a. ACTION ITEM: Linda Arra, Peter Holran, Robin Wiessmann, Gary Carney and Jim Dicker to discuss off line.
F. We need to understand Leadership Council project. Peter Holran is the liaison.
a. ACTION ITEM: Need to find a good time for Peter. Agree on project scope and role for CS Committee.
G. How do we do a better job of integrating Chapters and Career Services Committees?
a. ACTION ITEM: Mary Pat Staats, Linda Arra, and committee chairs to meet to form a strategic plan; joint planning of initiatives.
H. We need to drive more committee participation.
a. ACTION ITEM: Get input from committee members concerning event participation. Gain Alumni Association agreement on survey. Survey to be done electronically.
b. ACTION ITEM: Rachel Moeller to send a survey to the alumni who participated in the Student/Alumni Networking events in NYC and Philadelphia and ask if they are interested in hosting externships and/or internships. What would facilitate greater participation? What did you think of the event? How can we do a better job?
A. Vacancy on committee: Justin Kidwell ’00
B. Orientation to Life will be held on March 24, 2007.
a. Tom Orecchio ’90, his partner Greg Plechner, Meg Bennett ’78 and Brenda Reny to participate
b. Will be interactive sessions with take aways
c. No keynote, but a panel welcome
d. Three topics
e. Blast email to all young alumni on file
f. Postcards to tri-state area as well as CT, Boston and D.C. metro area
g. Capacity is 120 in Wilson Room. If group is larger, will have to move.
h. Dave Block to put small article in Class Notes in next issue of magazine.
i. We want to blow the Alumni Association’s “horn” at this event.
j. Great opportunity for Alumni Association presence.
k. Introduce new Undergraduate Chair (should be filled by then)
l. Secure deposits from students (like CSO); it “invests” them; returned if they attend.
m. Market as networking event as well as a financial event.
C. ACTION ITEM: Work with Dave Block to get article in “The Lafayette” before the event and then weekly thereafter.
D. ACTION ITEM: Create packets from the Alumni Association to include:
a. Letter from the Alumni Association
b. Listing of Executive Committee members
c. Listing of staff members
d. Survey
1. Get contact information for seniors and young alumni
2. Get a feel for these constituents: What are you interested in? How can we help you?
3. What other topics would you like us to address?
4. Plug into Career Services. They survey students all of the time. Plug some questions into their survey?
E. ACTION ITEM: Provide blow-up of the Alumni Association’s organization chart at the door?
A. AARs are the largest volunteer group
B. This year we had over 6,000 applicants; up by 6 ½ %
C. This year we had 849 applicants from outside the USA; up by 12%
D. Our international alumni will be our strongest advocates overseas
E. New initiative: Pair newer young alums with older AARs to get them into volunteering; have parents speak with older AARs and have prospective students speak with young alums.
F. Mary Pat Staats and Anne Marie Ferriere to work together; natural connection with AARs and chapters.
G. Moving toward encouraging AAR reps on each chapter committee
H. Connect alumni with prospective students; work with Anne Marie Ferriere
A. Legacy Committee’s duties should be absorbed by the Undergraduate Relations Committee. We should wait until we get a new chair.
A. Saturday, April 28, 2007 starting with breakfast at 8:30 a.m. at the Chateau off campus.
a. Dave Block, Alumni Communications Editor, will do a presentation on the alumni web page
b. Carol Rowlands, Admissions Director, to give an update
c. In addition to our meeting, the Lehigh Valley chapter will host its annual spring tailgate at Metzgar Fields beginning at noon. It’s a big event and the chapter puts up a tent and serves sandwiches, salads and drinks to the student athletes and their families, coaches and local alumni.
B. Friday, August 24, 2007 starting with lunch at 12:00 p.m. in Pfenning in the Alumni Office conference room.
a. The meeting will conclude by 2:30 p.m. so that the Executive Committee may participate in the Freshman Convocation.
C. Saturday, October 6, 2007 starting at 2 p.m. in the Wilson Room
a. Invite all committee members to meet during the morning both in person and via conference call
b. Executive Committee to meet after lunch beginning at 2 p.m. and should conclude by 4:30 p.m.
c. The Alumni Office will host a pre-game tailgate in the Wilson Room at 4:30 prior to the 6 p.m. game against Columbia
D. Friday, January 18, 2008 in NYC.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a.m.