Jun 12, 2006
College Writing Associates Make a VAST Difference
Writing associates provide a valuable link between the College Writing Program and Values and Science/Technology (VAST) courses. Acting as liaisons among…
Writing associates provide a valuable link between the College Writing Program and Values and Science/Technology (VAST) courses. Acting as liaisons among…
Each year during the January interim session, students taking the New York Jazz Experience course travel to New York City to learn about the innovative…
During the spring semester, Kiira Benzing ’07 (Ridgewood, N.J.) put in 14-hour days, seven days a week, honing her theater skills at the O’Neill National…
During the last week of May, 27 professors from colleges and universities across the country attended Lafayette’s Mathematics of Social Justice Course…
The Lafayette music department is welcoming representatives from dozens of colleges and universities during a national conference June 7-10 focusing on…
With an eye on medical school, Jeffrey Vogel ’07 (Lutherville, Md.) is already displaying an infectious enthusiasm for scientific study. Over the past…
Students taking the Musical Theater History course this past spring learned that understanding America’s past musical theater traditions could translate…
Fans of performance art received a treat Saturday, thanks to the Class of ’96. Café des Arts, staged in the Black Box Theater of the Williams Center for…
The brick that read “Cyrus Fleck Sr. 1920” could be thought of as a building block for even greater things to come. During a slightly soggy ceremony Saturday…
When College Archivist Diane Windham Shaw hears first-year students grumble about the lack of luxuries in their dorms, she smiles sweetly and tells them…