May 12, 2003
Mary Cate Guinan ’03 Presents Bacteria Research at PA Academy of Science Meeting
Senior Mary Cate Guinan (Newtown Square, Pa.) presented her research on how bacteria respond to environmental changes at the 79th Annual Meeting of the…
Senior Mary Cate Guinan (Newtown Square, Pa.) presented her research on how bacteria respond to environmental changes at the 79th Annual Meeting of the…
Stimulating discussion and thought about important issues has been a key component of a theater course that debuted this semester. In addition to providing…
Two groups of students will present reports on development of a self-guided tour and other enhancements at the Bachmann Publick House in downtown Easton…
As a student activist at Lafayette in the tumultuous 1960s, Robert W. Blum ’69 helped organize protests against mandatory ROTC service, campus visitation…
A love of the Navy inherited from his father and a respect for engineering learned at Lafayette have inspired Carl M. Albero ’57 through two careers involving…
For Gerald P. “Jerry” Dodson ’69, entering a courtroom on the first day of a trial is a little like starting a new life. “A trial is like a mini-life in…
In a rare Lehigh Valley performance, renowned trumpet player Ken Brader will perform solos at the Lafayette Jazz Ensemble’s annual spring concert 8 p.m…
Through studying legislation that affected Native Americans and the mentally ill, Andrea Kotrosits ’03 (Coplay, Pa.) gained insight into developing and…
Marquis Scholar Christine Williams ’03 (Erie, Pa.) is practically a seasoned veteran when it comes to presenting her research on the survival of mercury-resistant…
Junior Paul Germain (Coral Springs, Fla.), a double major in art and English, will give a presentation on “Human Expressions in Graffiti” noon today in…