Apr 26, 2003
Take Back the Night Raises Awareness about Issue of Sexual Violence
Lafayette’s annual Take Back the Night included a campus talk, a candlelight vigil, and a march and “speak out” on campus on April 23. Sponsored by Association…
Lafayette’s annual Take Back the Night included a campus talk, a candlelight vigil, and a march and “speak out” on campus on April 23. Sponsored by Association…
The choirs’ preview of their spring concert, art events, a student play, a concert, a Foam Dance Party, trips to see Cabaret on Broadway and an exhibition…
Elaine Peeler Davis, principal of Montclair High School in New Jersey, one of the premier high schools in the nation, will speak on “How High School Reforms…
Bill Metropolis, assistant curator at the Harvard University Geological and Mineralogical Museum, will present a lecture on “Minerals and History: A Look…
A balloon launch will highlight a carnival hosted by Delta Upsilon fraternity on the Quad noon-5 p.m. Sunday. Proceeds will benefit Boys and Girls Club…
Best-selling author Da Chen will give the 2003 annual lecture for Friends of Skillman Library 5:30 p.m. today in room 104 of Kirby Hall of Civil Rights…
Eight dancers are needed to round out the company for Britney’s Inferno, a new production by the Philadelphia-based Headlong Dance Theater that will be…
Lifford L.L. McLauchlan will speak on “Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Learning Applied to Robotic Manipulator Control” noon tomorrow in Acopian Engineering…
Played Out, Lafayette’s peer education drama group, will present the skits “Real Guys” and “Double Take” 10:30-11 p.m. today at Gilbert’s. The free event…
David Owusu-Ansah, professor of African history at James Madison University, will speak on “Islam in West Africa: History and Politics” 7:30 p.m. today…