Mar 10, 2003
Forensics Society Wins Debate Title at New York Tournament
Lafayette Forensics Society capped its regular season with a strong finish last weekend, winning Lincoln-Douglas debate and taking third place in individual…
Lafayette Forensics Society capped its regular season with a strong finish last weekend, winning Lincoln-Douglas debate and taking third place in individual…
Deans and admissions directors from eight law schools in the northeast will discuss the law school admissions process tomorrow evening in the auditorium…
Law professor Christine Cimini, a former staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, will talk about “The Real Work Lawyers Do” noon today in…
Art Palmer, a leading expert on caves and director of the Water Resources Program at SUNY-Oneonta, will speak on “America’s Largest Caves: Origin and Exploration…
A James Bond movie, a student play, standup comedy, live rock music, and varsity athletics are part of the entertainment options on campus this weekend…
Undertaking a year-long, intensive study of Orthodox Church choral music and its composers is much more than an academic exercise for Danielle Fecso ’04…
It is a seller’s market, and Josh Grubman ’03 (Boca Raton, Fla.) is examining ways to help sellers get top dollar for their homes as part of a year-long…
LaSalle University Professor Jane Turk will give a talk on “Privacy and National Security after September 11” noon-1 p.m. Friday in Interfaith Chapel,…
Michael Stark, assistant professor of physics, will talk about “Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in X-Ray Stars” noon Friday in Gagnon Lecture Hall (room 100)…
Because of the snow non-essential administrative personnel are allowed to leave at noon. Classes are being held at the professors’ discretion.