Aug 16, 2001
Auditions for A Tempest scheduled for August 28-29 in Black Box Theater
Auditions for the opening production of the Lafayette College Theater 2000-01 season are being held 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 27 and 4 p.m. the following day…
Auditions for the opening production of the Lafayette College Theater 2000-01 season are being held 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 27 and 4 p.m. the following day…
Eighteen first-year students will perform volunteer service in Easton before taking their first class at Lafayette this fall. The newcomers will work with…
Creating a Web-based system to test integrated circuit designs is the goal of a student immersed in electrical and computer engineering research this summer…
Adam Willitsford ’02 (Maple Glen, Pa.) has been researching cutting-edge technologies in fiber optic communications as a summer EXCEL Scholar. Willitsford…
Tax records from the mid-1800s tell much about the payers: not just what land they owned, but the amounts, values, and sources of other property, including…
Phone and Internet service on campus was interrupted at about 2 p.m. today by an off-campus lightning strike affecting the campus’ main switch for phone…
For an EXCEL project this summer, Marquis Scholar Tana Zerr ’02 (Hamburg, Pa.) is researching ways to improve learning techniques, particularly for language…
Mathematics and music are two reasons that Marquis Scholar Steve DiMauro ’02 (Haboro, Pa.) is excited about studying abroad in Hungary for the fall semester…
A paid internship with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (Penn DOT) is giving civil engineering major Jeremy Lucas ’03 (Peckville, Pa.) valuable…
To correct a potentially dangerous problem discovered this morning in the 13,500-volt buss at the electrical substation behind Watson Hall, all electric…