Dec 11, 2009
Lafayette Students Lobby Senators to Stop Genocide
Members of the College’s chapter of STAND attended the national Pledge2Protect Anti-Genocide Conference in Washington, D.C. Nine students from the Lafayette…
Academic News
Members of the College’s chapter of STAND attended the national Pledge2Protect Anti-Genocide Conference in Washington, D.C. Nine students from the Lafayette…
Student ensemble will perform 8 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13 in the Williams Center for the Arts Through the use of period instruments and techniques, students…
Their goal is to compost and reuse all food waste generated by Lafayette dining services A team of students in Lafayette Environmental Awareness and Protection…
Lisa Gabel, assistant professor of psychology, and Jennifer Kelly, assistant professor of music, will combine their expertise In response to mounting scientific…
Lafayette offers three-week, faculty-led courses to the Bahamas, Hawaii, Japan, New Zealand, and Russia More than 100 students will be studying in the…
ABC News, U.S. News, Forbes, and others spotlight her breakthrough research comparing the psychological health of married and unmarried adults Research…
Events will focus on urban gardening; rain barrels will be on sale at a 50 percent discount Students from the Technology Clinic have been working with…
She is supervising Miao Wang ’12 in research funded by the Lindback Foundation When Miranda I. Teboh-Ewungkem, assistant professor of mathematics, looks…
She was part of the top team in the Early Leaders Case Competition at the Simon Graduate School of Business at University of Rochester Diana Hasegan ’10…
She performed epilepsy research under the guidance of Lisa Gabel, assistant professor of psychology Neuroscience major Natalia Ibanez ’10 (Flushing,…