Nov 17, 2008
Building a Better Bridge
Civil engineering majors prepare for 2009 National Student Steel Bridge Competition A group of students is learning advanced structural engineering techniques…
Academic News
Civil engineering majors prepare for 2009 National Student Steel Bridge Competition A group of students is learning advanced structural engineering techniques…
Students work with local children at the Experimental Printmaking Institute Students provided more than 40 local children with a hands-on printmaking experience…
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Computer science major Haruki Yamaguchi ’11 writes about his part in the Knee Deep and Risin’ exhibit Miguel Haruki Yamaguchi ’11 (Akashi, Japan) spent…
Electrical and computer engineering major is the recipient of the College’s Jeffrey B. Havens ’78 Memorial Fund Award Electrical and computer engineering…
Felix Forster ’09 explores its causes with Prof. David Stifel Felix Forster ’09 (Rostock, Germany), who is pursuing a B.S. in mathematics and an A…
Professors Chris Ruebeck, Sharon Jones, Jeff Pfaffmann, and Kristen Sanford-Bernhardt create an interdisciplinary experience for students By Elizabeth…
Ly Le ’09 writes about her EXCEL research with Professor Mark Crain This summer, economics and business major Ly Le ’09 (Hanoi, Viet Nam) performed…
Live, student-run election broadcast airs locally on television and worldwide via the internet By Elizabeth Kemmerer The nation elected its first African…
Chemical engineering major writes about her research with Professor James Ferri Melissa Gordon ’11 (Montvale, N.J.), a chemical engineering major, spent…