Mar 26, 2008
Richard Osifchin ’86 Shares His Experience with Martha Were ’09
Director of global pharmaceutical commercialization at Merck hosted an interim-session externship Richard Osifchin ’86 is the director of global pharmaceutical…
Academic News
Director of global pharmaceutical commercialization at Merck hosted an interim-session externship Richard Osifchin ’86 is the director of global pharmaceutical…
Anthropology & sociology major discusses her project with Professor David Shulman Alysse Henkel ’08 (Spokane, Wash.) is a Marquis Scholar majoring in…
Petroleum Research Fund will support research with nanotechnology and solar energy applications Tina Huang, assistant professor of chemistry, has received…
She has worked with Professor Curlee Holton and other artists for a number of years Preeza Shrestha ’08 (Kathmandu, Nepal) is double-majoring in economics…
Economic Empowerment and Global Learning Project will continue over the summer By Hristiana Eneva ’10 Hristiana Eneva ’10 reports on the Clinton Global…
Her honors thesis takes her to the United States Holocaust Museum Diana Galperin ’08 (Warminster, Pa.), an international affairs and French double major…
Upcoming article by Woolley will include new Swift work James Woolley, Frank Lee and Edna M. Smith Professor of English, will present his research on a…
She served an externship with Richard Osifchin ’86, director of global pharmaceutical commercialization at Merck During the interim session, chemical…
He writes about studying abroad in the Lafayette faculty-led program at Jacobs University Bremen Dennis Waldron ’10 (Owings, Md.) is majoring in electrical…
Fellowship will fund research for forthcoming publication Olga Anna Duhl, professor of foreign languages and literatures, has been awarded the Folter Fellowship…