May 10, 2004
Test aArds
Robert Bagley, professor of art and archaeology at Princeton University, will speak on “An Underground Palace in Ancient China: The Tomb of Marquis Yi…
Academic News
Robert Bagley, professor of art and archaeology at Princeton University, will speak on “An Underground Palace in Ancient China: The Tomb of Marquis Yi…
Marquis Scholar David Homsher ’04 (Doylestown, Pa.) has mastered complicated engineering concepts, worked as a construction inspector for the Pennsylvania…
When Christine Bender ’04 (Gibsonia, Pa.) graduates this month, she’ll receive a B.A. with honors in economics & business, a B.S. in neuroscience, and…
Trustee Scholarship recipient Marianna Macri ’06 (Malvern, Pa.) sought to make academic headlines with her study of early American journalism by presenting…
Donald L. Miller, John Henry MacCracken Professor of History, will lead a two-day seminar 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. May 13-14 at Smithsonian Castle, on the…
Amid cultural wars over the rising rate of teen pregnancies, Trustee Scholarship recipient Katharine Wolchik ’05 (Randolph, N.J.) is crunching the numbers…
Matthew Loh ’04 of Singapore, an electrical and computer engineering major with a minor in mathematics, is designing a mock circulatory system to improve…
Chemistry major Caitlin Sullivan ’05 (Bethlehem, Pa.) has published her research in a scientific journal and been invited to present it at the premier…
Marquis Scholar Richard Lear ’06 (Stroudsburg, Pa.) is working on a textual criticism of the classic French work La Nef des folles, or Ship of Fools, penned…
Seven Lafayette students recently presented research conducted with faculty at the 227th national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Anaheim,…