Aug 8, 2002
Oechsle Hall, New Headquarters For Psychology And Neuroscience, Opens This Month
Students will get their first look inside Oechsle Hall, which promises to make Lafayette’s popular programs in psychology and neuroscience even stronger…
Academic News
Students will get their first look inside Oechsle Hall, which promises to make Lafayette’s popular programs in psychology and neuroscience even stronger…
Lucy Smith ’03 (Red Bank, N.J.), a double major in French and art, is honing her French skills by translating newsletter articles published by and for…
Biology major and Marquis Scholar Cheryl Christianson ’03 (Sea Girt, N.J.) is conducting an intensive summer research project that may help purify lakes…
Biochemistry major Michelle Ferguson ’04 (Wallingford, Conn.) is conducting research this summer that may have long-term implications for producing a potential…
By the time classes begin this fall, the geology department’s shallow-bed recirculating flume will be ready to incorporate sediment, opening up more laboratory…
Neuroscience major Joshua Brodsky ’03 (Needham, Mass.) is researching Pavlovian eye blink and fear conditioning in rats this summer in an EXCEL Scholars…
Rob McEwen ’05 (Morgantown, Pa.) and Prince Chidyagwai ’05 (Marondera, Zimbabwe), both double majors in mathematics and computer science, are conducting…
Civil engineering major and Marquis Scholar James Mangarillo ’03 (Hampton Bays, N.Y.) is conducting two research projects this summer that focus on stream…
Government and law major Noah Goldstein ’04 (Barrington, R.I.) is examining the foreign policy of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and gathering material…
Marquis Scholar Briana Niblick ’05 (Hatboro, Pa.) is researching the quest for cultural identity in East Germany along a long-disputed border with Poland…