Aug 1, 2011
Summer Edition of Lafayette Magazine Highlights Sustainability around the World
The latest issue of Lafayette Magazine focuses on the impact Lafayette students, faculty, and alumni are making on the environment locally and around the…
The latest issue of Lafayette Magazine focuses on the impact Lafayette students, faculty, and alumni are making on the environment locally and around the…
More than 40 alumni and friends returned to campus July 21-24 for a three-day academic immersion. During the second annual Alumni Summer College, they…
In Prince George’s County, Maryland, Todd M. Turner ’89 is the county’s legislative officer. He is also serving his third term on city council in…
With more than 25 years in the energy industry and diverse expertise that spans renewable energy, electric transmission, retail choice, demand response…
As director of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History since 2002, Brent D. Glass ’69 has become a national leader in the…
Mitchel Flaum ’40, who joined the Lafayette College Board of Trustees in 1971 and was elected to emeritus status in 1989, died June 10, 2011. Flaum was…
Being prepared to answer probing and thoughtful questions about the financial world, the company where you are being interviewed, and your own professional…
When Boyd King ’88 graduated from Lafayette he followed an urge to “play hard” and became a dive instructor in the Caribbean. His curiosity and sense…
In honor of the 60th anniversary of Wilbur Wilson Oaks’ ’51 graduating from Lafayette College, his daughter, Cynthia Oaks Linville ’80, and son-in-law…
Alumni are making their voices heard in support of Lafayette by participating in the Count Me In campaign. The goal is to raise the percentage of alumni…