Nov 8, 2011
Konstantinos Bousmalis ’05 among 34 Google Fellowship Recipients Worldwide
By Samuel T. Clover ’91 Picture this: After a long day at work, you sit down at your computer, shoulders hunched, and a digitized voice coos, “You…
By Samuel T. Clover ’91 Picture this: After a long day at work, you sit down at your computer, shoulders hunched, and a digitized voice coos, “You…
During last year’s trip to Wyoming for a geology class, students carefully recorded longitude and latitude, angles of sediment beds, rock types, and…
By Kevin Gray When Rob McEwen ’05 began his career at Lafayette College, he knew that he wanted to earn B.S. degrees in mathematics and computer science…
Retiring faculty members William J. Collins, associate professor of computer science, and Ann V. McGillicuddy-DeLisi, Marshall R. Metzgar Professor of…
Studying the behavior of wild zebras and their social networks depends on being able to tell them apart. “In working with biologists from Princeton on…
Lafayette honored more than 120 students for academic excellence at the annual All-College Honors Convocation May 1, in the Williams Center for the Arts…
Artificial intelligence isn’t just for the movies anymore. Tong Pham ’13 (Anaheim, Calif.) and Kumera Bekele ’13 (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) are working…
Lafayette’s 90,000-square-foot Acopian Engineering Center includes laboratories designed specifically for student-faculty research, high-tech classrooms…
Last spring, Franklin “Scott” Stinner ’11 and the 23 classmates in his software engineering class found themselves immersed in a project designing…
Several Lafayette students worked this summer on an ongoing, interdisciplinary project that combines aspects of economics, computer science, and engineering…