Oct 13, 2011
Jim Toia Explores Wonders of Natural World in Latest Exhibits
For Jim Toia, director of community-based teaching, there was no “aha” moment when he discovered a passion for art – it was always there. With the…
For Jim Toia, director of community-based teaching, there was no “aha” moment when he discovered a passion for art – it was always there. With the…
Joshua Sanborn, professor of history and chair of Russian and East European Studies, presented a lecture Oct. 3 entitled “Mikhail Gorbachev and the End…
President Daniel H. Weiss sent the following email to the campus community today to announce steps being taken in response to recommendations from the…
Donald McCluskey ’36, associate professor emeritus of English, died Sept. 20. He was a resident of Kirkland Village in Bethlehem, Pa. After graduating…
Rachel Nelson Moeller ’88, Lafayette’s associate director of career services for externships and internships, has been named executive director of…
Betsy Leebron Tutelman, senior vice provost for strategic initiatives and communications at Temple University, will spend the 2011-12 academic year at…
Robert Mattison, Metzgar Professor of Art, understands the importance of a liberal arts education. Not only has he experienced its benefits, he is celebrating…
Almost a decade ago, an unexpected gift led Paul Barclay, associate professor of history, to a line of research that would pioneer the field of colonial…
Prior to the recession, faculty members could recast their academic career by taking jobs at different institutions in their pursuit of an increased salary…
This fall, Lafayette welcomes 11 new professors, bringing the College’s total to 213 full-time, tenure-track faculty members. Over the past several years…