Mar 22, 2011
Lafayette Organizes Undergraduate Research Conference in German Studies
Lafayette’s Max Kade Center for German Studies and Moravian College have organized the Undergraduate Research Conference in German Studies held Saturday…
Lafayette’s Max Kade Center for German Studies and Moravian College have organized the Undergraduate Research Conference in German Studies held Saturday…
Students at Lafayette have access to a beautiful and high-tech resource center where they can study and enhance their understanding and appreciation of…
Over the spring semester, chemical engineering major Amy Hinkel ’12 (Doylestown, Pa.) studied engineering and German language and culture in Lafayette’s…
John Kincaid, Robert B. and Helen S. Meyner Professor of Government and Public Service, spoke about issues revolving around the U.S. government this month…
Professor Rado Pribic will be visiting museums and other locations in Germany and Austria in June and July to research the looting of art objects during…
He will present a public lecture and workshop for students March 23 German artist Bodo Korsig will return to Lafayette Tuesday, March 23, to present a…
Thomas Voltz ’09 and Benjamin Emm ’10 spent their summer researching riverbank filtration systems at University of Applied Sciences in Dresden As part…
She writes about her research with Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger, professor and head of foreign languages and literatures Zara Piracha ’11 (Karachi, Pakistan)…
The 2009 Max Kade Distinguished Professor for German Studies is teaching an interdisciplinary course on poetry and film of New York City and Berlin Michaela…
The Trouble with German Unification, Essays on Daniela Dahn, looks at Germany’s 20-year transition from socialism to capitalism In his latest book, Rado…