Jul 11, 2014
Wall Street Journal Discusses Co-Founder Charles Bergstresser, Class of 1881
Charles Bergstresser, Class of 1881, was discussed in the July 8 edition of The Wall Street Journal in a letter to readers from editor in chief Gerard…
Charles Bergstresser, Class of 1881, was discussed in the July 8 edition of The Wall Street Journal in a letter to readers from editor in chief Gerard…
Scalia: A Court of One, the latest biography by Bruce Allen Murphy, Fred Morgan Kirby Professor of Civil Rights, is receiving national media attention…
The latest research by Susan Averett, Dana Professor of Economics, and Julie Smith, assistant professor of economics, was featured in the Feb. 6 issue…
Chemical engineering major Seth Gottlund ’14 (Kutztown, Pa.) is the Featured Student for January in ChEnected, an online publication of the American…
The College’s environmentally sustainable renovation of the Grossman House for Global Perspectives has been featured in the December edition of University…
The College’s recent efforts to infuse diversity throughout the curriculum have been featured in the Oct. 28 edition of The Chronicle of Higher Education…
Dubbed “the CEO who caught the Chinese spies red-handed,” Kevin Mandia ’92 is featured on the cover of this week’s Fortune. Founder and CEO of…
The Lafayette Initiative for Malagasy Education (LIME) was featured in the June 13 edition of USA TODAY College. The article, “American Students Pave…
Lafayette’s Spring Concert last month in Fisher Stadium has been featured in the national media. The event was headlined by hip-hop sensation Macklemore…
Hollis Miller ’15 (Fort Washington, Pa.) is in the basement lab of Van Wickle Hall, extracting organic material from mud deposited on the ocean floor millions…