Apr 30, 2003
UPDATE: 120 Tickets Left for Counting Crows Concert
As of this morning, all but 120 of the 4,000 available tickets had been sold for today’s Counting Crows concert at Kirby Sports Center. They may be purchased…
As of this morning, all but 120 of the 4,000 available tickets had been sold for today’s Counting Crows concert at Kirby Sports Center. They may be purchased…
Bioethicist Elizabeth Meade, associate professor of philosophy at Cedar Crest College, will speak on “The Ethics of Sex Selection” 6:30-7:30 p.m. today…
Rebecca S. Chopp, president of Colgate University, will deliver the baccalaureate address at Lafayette at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, May 24. At the College’s…
Students interested in careers within the United States Secret Service are invited to attend a free information session sponsored by Career Services. A…
Chemical engineering graduate Amy Banko-Howell ‘93, inorganic salts production superintendent at Mallinckrodt Baker Inc., discussed career paths in chemical…
Joseph P. Littlejohn, assistant to the president for affirmative action and human resources development at Hudson Valley Community College in Troy, N.Y…
Matthew Sitomer ’00, who graduated summa cum laude with honors in psychology and a second major in American Studies, gave the keynote address at the annual…
Colman McCarthy, founder of The Center for Teaching Peace, adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law Center, and columnist for the Washington Post…
Student voting for the George Wharton Pepper Prize will take place Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at the following locations: April 2811:45-1 – Farinon…
Tomorrow’s performance by pianist Horacio GutiĆ©rrez has been cancelled due to his illness and will not be rescheduled. Please contact the Williams Center…