May 12, 2015
Video: Presidential Webchat
President Alison Byerly discussed topics of interest to Lafayette alumni, parents, and friends with Alex Karapetian ’04, president of the Alumni Association…
President Alison Byerly discussed topics of interest to Lafayette alumni, parents, and friends with Alex Karapetian ’04, president of the Alumni Association…
To the Campus Community: Like many colleges, Lafayette can sometimes seem like a “bubble,” a place that is separate from the “real world.” There…
President Alison Byerly will be part of a high-powered panel discussion about the future of higher education presented by the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute…
The College’s new online learning program – Lafayette ConnectEd – lived up to its name this January, when the pilot program connected students past…
Hundreds of students, faculty, and staff got down to the music of the Soulsystem Orchestra during the 10th annual Presidential Ball. Held in the Bergethon…
President Alison Byerly hosted a festive study break for students at her house during finals week. Photos by Clay Wegrzynowicz ’18 View more images of…
President Alison Byerly emailed the following message to the Lafayette community today. As I reflect on the remarkable weekend just concluded, I would…
President Alison Byerly emailed the following message to the campus community today. I am delighted to announce the appointment of Roger A. Demareski as…
President Alison Byerly emailed the following message to the campus community today. To the College Community: I am delighted to announce the appointment…
President Alison Byerly presented her address “Tradition and Community”at Convocation ceremonies opening the 183rd academic year Sunday on the Quad…