Nov 3, 2005
Diwali and Eid Will be Celebrated Today
The Asian Cultural Association (ACA) is celebrating the ancient Hindu festival Diwali and the Islamic holiday Eid today with several events on campus:…
The Asian Cultural Association (ACA) is celebrating the ancient Hindu festival Diwali and the Islamic holiday Eid today with several events on campus:…
Next week, Take Back the Night (TBTN), an annual campaign spearheaded by Association of Lafayette Feminists (ALF) to end violence against women, will feature…
Lafayette College Theater will present Peter Brook and Marie-Helene Estienne’s The Man Who 8 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday, Nov. 2-5, in the Williams Center…
College Theater will hold auditions for its spring production of The Slabtown District Convention 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 8, in Pardee Hall room 120. The…
The meeting was called to order at 4:15 PM. Fourteen members were present. Andrew Kasman, President — present Amy Schwartz, Vice President — present Ryan…
The meeting was called to order at 4:15 PM. Fourteen members were present. Minutes from October 10th, 2005 were approved. Motion: Amanda Second: Andrew…
The Ultimate Frisbee team, Lafayette Aflicktion, produced solid performances at tournaments early in the fall season and showed future promise at the Mid-Atlantic…
Trustee Scholar and mathematics major Pat Kelley ’09 (Shillington, Pa.) will perform a solo acoustic guitar set 8 p.m. Saturday at the Quadrant Bookmart…
The Lafayette chapter of Delta Upsilon International Fraternity has received the award of Excellence in Public Relations. The award was presented at the…
The meeting was called to order at 4:12 PM. Fourteen members were present. Minutes from September 1st, 2005 were approved. Motion: Andrew Second: Sarah…