Jun 11, 2013
Ahart Family Arts Plaza Dedicated during Reunion Weekend
The Ahart Family Arts Plaza, located between the Williams Visual Arts Building and the future home of Lafayette’s theater program on North Third Street…
The Ahart Family Arts Plaza, located between the Williams Visual Arts Building and the future home of Lafayette’s theater program on North Third Street…
By Matt Sinclair ’90 Today, Rick Lettieri ’69 focuses his law practice on the discipline he foretold more than 25 years ago. As founder of Lettieri…
Fish biologists have named a newly identified genus of fossil anglerfishes after John H. Caruso ’69, professor of practice, ecology, and evolutionary…
As director of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History since 2002, Brent D. Glass ’69 has become a national leader in the…
Edward W. Ahart ’69 was recently elected to the board of trustees of the Fannie E. Rippel Foundation of Morristown, N.J. A highly regarded lawyer and…
Edward W. Ahart ’69, managing partner and chairman of the law firm of Schenck, Price, Smith & King LLP, Florham Park, N.J., has been elected chair of…
Worldwide media focus on the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History and its director, College Trustee Brent Glass ’69 Worldwide media focused…
Trustee Brent D. Glass ’69 appeared as a guest on The Colbert Report on Thursday, Oct. 16. Watch the episode (Glass’ segment begins at 9:40). Glass is…
Alumni renew ties to College and one another amid food, football, and more With sun-splashed skies, moderate temperatures, and stunning foliage decorating…
Chi Phi, DTD, Sigma Chi, SAE, and Kappa Sigma plan clambakes When alumni return to campus for a fun day of social activities during Homecoming Saturday…