Apr 1, 2014
Nicole Stodard ’99 Directs Award-Winning Theater That ‘Explodes with Thought’
By Kevin Gray A logo with a grenade image that declares “theatre exploding with thought” is a clue that Thinking Cap is not typical community arts…
By Kevin Gray A logo with a grenade image that declares “theatre exploding with thought” is a clue that Thinking Cap is not typical community arts…
By Bill Kline More than a passion play. It’s hard work. It’s grabbing opportunities. It’s discovering that there is more than one path to becoming…
By Kate Helm As assistant dean for student affairs in George Mason’s College of Health and Human Services, Susan Swett ’72 strives to recreate aspects…
By Kevin Gray Long intrigued by the notion that the mind and body interact in reciprocal ways, Ali Berlin Weinstein ’99 is conducting novel research…
By Barbara Mulligan When structural engineer José Punchin-Marrero ’99 was a boy growing up in San Juan, Puerto Rico, he spent much of his time drawing…
She receives the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers President Barack Obama saluted Amy Cerato ’99 as one of the nation’s…
Rachel Carr ’99 is majority counsel to House of Representatives transportation subcommittee Helping to draft legislation that would institute a new rail…
Amy Cerato ’99 is the only civil engineer to receive the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers By Megan Zaroda ’07 Amy Cerato…
Amanda Alpert Knight ’99 leads Chicago office of Resources for Indispensable Schools and Educators By Dan Edelen For proof against the old saying “Those…
Students place first among all undergraduates in multidisciplinary contest Lafayette students took top honors among all undergraduates in the United States…