May 26, 2023
Student tutors bring language skills to Paxinosa Elementary School
For the past year on Wednesday nights, a multidisciplinary, bilingual group of Lafayette students has helped Spanish-speaking parents learn English.
For the past year on Wednesday nights, a multidisciplinary, bilingual group of Lafayette students has helped Spanish-speaking parents learn English.
Ceremony celebrated Lafayette’s commitment to community outreach in Easton and throughout the Lehigh Valley.
In a celebration of community and the possibilities of ‘and,’ Lafayette College hosted more than 1,300 Easton Area School District students for School…
Sixty-seven students participated in community service projects through Easton for the Pre-Orientation Service Program.
In collaboration with Easton Area School District, the Landis Center’s Connected Classrooms program engages more than 600 students and 15 faculty members…
Prof. Justin Smith’s hands-on computer science course provides real-world experience for students and helps local nonprofits.
Learn how these students, faculty, and an Easton resident are bettering the campus and community through commitment and a common purpose.
Story and photos by Stephen Wilson The students in Mrs. Hunt’s fifth-grade classroom are shuffling to their lockers, dropping off books from one subject…
By Bryan Hay, Katie Neitz, and Kathleen Parrish Lafayette students don’t stop learning when classes are on break. Alternative School Break (ASB) Club…
Photos and story by Bryan Hay Scoring points for hitting recycling bins and losing them for a strike in a gray trash can, about 20 fourth-graders lobbed…