May 28, 2024
A year of musical explorations
For the entire academic year, Rifkin charmed, taught, stimulated, inspired, and entertained students, faculty, staff, and campus guests.
For the entire academic year, Rifkin charmed, taught, stimulated, inspired, and entertained students, faculty, staff, and campus guests.
With viols, lutes, harpsichord, recorders, and voice, La Morra will celebrate its work with Prof. Anthony Cummings and bring Pope Leo X's music back to…
The director of the Performance Series at the Williams Center says he was drawn to its legacy of artistic excellence.
Gina Cuffari, one of the current artistic directors of Orpheus and its co-principal bassoonist, discusses importance of its Williams Center residency.
Yearlong series of articles opens with recollections by Ellis Finger, first director of Williams Center
Manual Cinema performed a piece on the life of poet Gwendolyn Brooks as part of the Williams Center performance series.
Nobuntu, Zimbabwe’s first female Mbube a cappella quintet, brings voice and dance to a workshop and a performance.
By Stephen Wilson Improv in iambic pentameter. Shadow puppet cinema. Seriously good ukulele playing. The unique, renowned, and impactful events that make…