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Although she was studying in Spain last spring, that didn’t stop Lauren Frese ’03 (Morris Plains, N.J.) from finding a summer internship at a publishing house through Career Services.

Using the Job Vault, the International Affairs major identified an opportunity with PAL Publishing in Chatham, N.J., just 20 minutes from her hometown. Frese started by working with author Paul Luscombe ’60 to revise and market his golf book, Give Dad a Mulligan, which included travel to many golf courses in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Her next major task was working on Luscombe’s upcoming book about Howard Savings Bank, once the biggest bank in New Jersey before going bankrupt after seven bad loans. Frese and fellow Morris Plains resident Ryan Shaffer ’03, a government and law major, researched many topics, such as the city of Newark and its riots, tax laws, and other bank scandals. They prepared reports on their research and helped Luscombe organize information for publication.

“We also spent much time composing a glossary for the economic terms in the book, which greatly helped me understand more about the market,” says Frese.

In addition, the students took several field trips, including a luncheon with Morris County Bonds Club and another to the New York Times. They also interviewed officials at First Union Bank, which took over Howard Savings Bank after its collapse.

“This internship helped me realize how deeply and widely one must research all the details of a story when providing a historical overview,” says Frese. “I was also amazed at the tasks that Mr. Luscombe was undertaking to fulfill his ‘hobby.’ His dedication was inspiring and motivating.”

“This internship helped develop my research abilities and taught me the steps towards publication,” she adds. “Although I do not know what I would like to do yet, journalism is a consideration that this internship highlighted.”

Frese plans to enter a graduate school program for the Foreign Service. He has worked as an EXCEL scholar on a project entitled “Japan’s Response to Terror: Sending the MSDF to the Arabian Sea.” In EXCEL, students assist faculty with research while earning a stipend.

President of International Affairs Club, Frese is involved in Learning Together in Friendship, a mentoring program for fourth-graders from March Elementary School in Easton coordinated by Landis Community Outreach Center. She also plans to provide instruction to local junior high students this year. She has served as philanthropy chair for Alpha Phi sorority and participated in the student group HIV/AIDS Prevention and Education Now. In addition, she studied in Africa through a January interim session course between semesters.

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