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For Marquis Scholar Sean Comerford ’06 (Manhasset, N.Y.), music is not only a passion, but a course of study as well.

“I acknowledge that a lot of students stop playing instruments after high school band ends, but this was simply never an option for me,” he says. “I wanted to major in music at Lafayette because I desire to learn as much about music as I possibly can.”

Comerford, a double major in music and English and an avid musician, takes private bass guitar and double bass lessons and participates in the Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Quintet, Guitar Ensemble, and Concert Band.

In the Jazz Ensemble, he learns from director Ken Brader, one of the top trumpet players in the nation, and plays with guest artists such as internationally acclaimed jazz pianist Mulgrew Miller. In the Jazz Quintet, he performs a playlist laden with student arrangements and original music.

With the aid of Lafayette’s music faculty, Comerford also learns about music history and theory and delves into the music of other cultures.

“With the music classes, I am always interested and eager to learn, so Lafayette is a perfect fit,” he says. “Lafayette is a terrific environment for music studies. There is a wide availability of music groups to play in, a great lesson program, a wide variety of music classes covering different areas of interest, and I feel like I know each member of the music faculty personally; I feel like a member of the department rather than simply a student.”

Larry Stockton, professor and head of music, has made a significant impact on his studies.

“He has been a great boon to me the entire time I have been here at Lafayette, even before I got here,” says Comerford, who became enthusiastic about the music department after meeting with faculty members prior to enrolling. “Dr. Stockton is a special professor who really goes out of his way to forge personal relationships with his students. Hands down, the Introduction to World Music Traditions class is my favorite course here at Lafayette. It really turned me on to the music of other cultures.”

Continues Comerford, who hopes to take advantage of the study abroad grants available through the Marquis Scholar program, “I would even like to travel to Japan sometime in the next couple of years to do my own research about the role of traditional Japanese music in their culture and I hope that Dr. Stockton, being an expert in the field, can help me hone my interest in these areas.”

The student appreciates the opportunity to seriously study music while pursuing other academics as well.

“Although I am a serious musician, I did not want to study music with the intention of being a professional,” Comerford explains. “I wanted to keep that option open but not make it my sole purpose in life. Thus, Lafayette was a good fit for that ideal.”

In the future, music will continue to be an integral part of Comerford’s life. While he may not pursue a career as a musician, he intends on pursuing a music-related profession, such as entertainment law or music journalism.

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