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The McKelvy House Scholars invite the campus to join them in a dinner discussion of the meaning of life Sunday.

The meal will begin 6 p.m. at McKelvy House, 200 High Street. Philosophy major Nicholas Scopelliti ’06 (Throop, Pa.) will lead the discussion at 6:30 p.m.

“I will be coming from the perspective that one’s will is the only dictate of the meaning for his or her life,” he says. “Those who do not know how to put their will into things create meaning all around them to substitute for their lack of will. I will argue that the creation of these meanings is often forgotten so that we become trapped by these creations.

”In fact, these meanings are often given titles such as religion or nationality. These new entities are then manifestations of the will, in that they embody the true spirit of the will. Because the will is suppressed by these entities, it manifests itself in different ways. Some examples of this are the creation of religious or nationalistic fervor and the inward enjoyment of guilt or punishment.

“In this way morality and the aim of life is actually turned on its head. We now find our actions to be devoid of “free” will (although this is a different concept from the will of which I am speaking). Human beings become subservient to their own creations. I will argue that the only noble way of acting is to act and then to create morality or purpose. The Platonic notion of reason leading to virtue leading to happiness must be turned on its head.”

Since 1962, the McKelvy House Scholars program has brought together Lafayette students with a wide range of majors and interests to reside in a historic off-campus house and share in intellectual and social activities. Weekly Sunday and occasional Wednesday dinner discussions that engage the students in debate and exchange of ideas are the hallmark of the program. Most members also contribute to the annual McKelvy Papers, written on a topic of each person’s choice. McKelvy Scholars participate in activities together such as field trips to plays, concerts, and exhibits, and sponsor events for the campus as well.

Previous discussions
March 7 – Public Perception of Homelessness
March 5 – Fashion as Expression of Identity
Feb.19 – Social Darwinism
Feb.12 – Stereotypes
Feb. 5 – Reading as a Virtue
Jan. 29 — Sexuality
Nov. 20 — Value of Performing Arts
Nov. 13 – Blogging
Nov. 9 – Neoconservatism
Oct. 30 – Christian Right
Oct. 26 – Social Groups
Oct. 23 – The Shape of Things
Oct. 19 – Women in Creating and Sustaining Peace
Oct. 16 – “Slow Food” Movement
Oct. 12 – Hugo Chavez
Oct. 9 – Molecular Nanotechnology
Oct. 5 – Folk Music as Vehicle for Social Change
Sept. 25 – Freedom and Other Remembrance Issues
Sept. 20 – The Powerful Thrust of Language on Civic Arousal
Sept. 14 – Apathy
Sept. 11 – Why Do We Care about One Another?

Categorized in: Academic News