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Posted Oct. 5, 2000

Susan A. Basow, Charles A. Dana Professor of Psychology

  • (coauthor Kelly Johnson). “Predictors of Homophobia in Female College Students.” Sex Roles 42.5/6 (2000): 391-404.

Sidney Donnell, Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures

  • “Batalla de los Sexos o Batalla de lost Géneros?: El Espectáculo ‘Travestido’ de La Púrpura de la Rosa.” In El Texto Puesto en Escena: Estudios Sobre la Comedia del Siglo de Oro en Honor a Everett W. Hesse. Eds. Bárbara Mujica and Anita K. Stoll. London: Tamesis, 2000. 151-63.

Bernard Fried, Gideon R. Jr. and Alice L. Kreider Professor Emeritus of Biology

  • (coauthors Imanuel Kanter, Jason Mott, Norio Ohashi, Stephen Reed, Young C. Lin, and Yasuko Rikihisa). “Analysis of 16S rRNA and 51-Kilodalton Antigen Gene and Transmission in Mice of Ehrlichia risticii in Virgulate Trematodes from Elimia livescens Snails in Ohio.” Journal of Clinical Microbiology September 2000: 3349-58.

Jehanne-Marie Gavarini, Assistant Professor of Art

  • Jehanne-Marie Gavarini: New Work. Tompkins College Center Gallery, Cedar Crest College, Allentown, PA, September 11-October 15, 2000 [solo exhibition].
  • L’incurable mémoire des corps. Hôpital Charles-Foix, Ivry sur Seine, November 5, 2000 [group exhibition].

Michelle C. Geoffrion-Vinci, Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures

  • “Life Sentences for Writing Couples: Poetic Ethnogenesis in Rosalía de Castro and Manuel Murguía.” Revista Hispánica Moderna June 2000. 22-46.

Curlee Raven Holton, Associate Professor of Art and Director of the Experimental Printmaking Institute

    Biennial 2000: At the Crossroads. The African American Museum, Philadelphia, PA, September 21, 2000-March 5, 2001 [group exhibition].

John Kincaid, Robert B. and Helen S. Meyner Professor of Government and Law and Director of the Meyner Center for the Study of State and Local Government

  • “Retrocesión en el sistema federal de Estados Unidos: ¿hecho o ficción?” In El Nuevo Federalismo en América del Norte. Eds. Paz Consuelo Márquez-Padilla and Julián Castro Rea. Mexico City: Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2000. 277-334.
  • “The Domestication of German Foreign Policy in the European Union.” SMU Law Review 53.2 (Spring 2000): 555-60.

Toshiyuki Namai, Visiting Part-Time Instructor of Foreign Languages and Literatures

  • Prospective Ideas for the Business and Economy. Tokyo: Koshobo, 2000. 206.
  • New Philosophy Toward 21st Century. Nagoya, Japan: Life Kikaku, 2000. 190.

Edmond P. Saliklis, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • (coauthor Amy L. Mussen’00). “Investigating the Buckling Behavior of OSB Panels.” Wood and Fiber Science 32.3 (2000): 259-68.

Joseph A. Sherma Jr., John D. and Francis H. Larkin Professor of Chemistry

  • (coauthors Donna M. DiGregorio ’99 and Elizabeth J. Westgate’01)
    “Analysis of the Active Ingredient Dimenhydrinate in Motion-Sickness Tablets by High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography with Ultraviolet Absorption Densitometry.” ACTA Chromatographica 10 (2000): 190-94.

Posted Sept. 14, 2000

Paul A. Cefalu, Assistant Professor of English

  • “’Damnèd Custom . . . Habits Devil’: Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Anti-Dualism, and the Early Modern Philosophy of Mind.” English Literary History 67 (2000): 399-431

Bernard Fried, Gideon R., Jr., and Alice L. Kreider Professor Emeritus of Biology

  • (coauthors Mark R. Daras ’99 and Susan E. Sisbarro ’99) “Effects of a High-Carbohydrate Diet on Growth of Echinostomes caproni in ICR Mice.” Comparative Parasitology 67.2 (2000): 241-43
  • (coauthors Daniel J. Cline ’99 and Joseph A. Sherma, John D. and Frances H. Larkin Professor of Chemistry) “High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Neutral Lipids and Phospholipids in Cerithidia californica (Gastropoda) Infected with Three Species of Larval Trematodes.” ACTA Chromatographica 10 (2000): 183-88
  • (coauthors Takahiro Fujino, Tomonori Shinohara, Koichi Fukuda, Hidetaka Ichikawa, and Tomoyuki Nakano) “The Expulsion of Echinostoma trivolvis: Worm Kinetics and Intestinal Cytopathy in Jirds, Meriones unguiculatus.” Comparative Parasitology 67.2 (2000): 236-40

Nina Gilbert, Director of Choral Activities

  • “K’wae-jina Ching-ching Nah-neh.” Chapel Hill, N.C.: Treble Clef Music P, 2000. 1-8 [music arrangement]
  • “Artsa alinu.” Chapel Hill, N.C.: Treble Clef Music P, 2000. 1-8 [music arrangement]

Gary P. Gordon, Professor of Mathematics

  • (coauthors Lori Fern, Jason Leasure, and Sharon N. Pronchik ’97) “Matroid Automorphisms and Symmetry Groups.” Combinatories, Probability and Computing 9 (2000): 105-23

Wendy L. Hill, Professor of Psychology and Chair of Neuroscience

  • (coauthors Amy L. Goerss ’91 and George C. Wagner) “Acute Effects of Aspartame on Aggression and Neurochemistry of Rats.” Life Sciences 67 (2000): 1325-29

Curlee Raven Holton, Associate Professor of Art and Director, Experimental Printmaking Institute

  • Where Are the Books? An Exhibit of Contemporary Artists’ Books. Skillman Library, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., January 24-July 31, 2000 [group exhibition; curator]
  • Regional Show. MCS Gallery, Easton, Pa., August 16-September 9, 2000 [group exhibition]

William D. Jemison, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • (coauthors P.R. Herczfeld, W. Rosen, A. Vieira, A. Rosen, A. Paolella, and A. Joshi) “A High Capacity Hybrid Fiberoptic/Wireless Communication System for Telemedicine.” Workshop on Biomedical Information Engineering Proceedings. Isik University, Istanbul, Turkey, June 25-27, 2000. 79-84

J. Owen McLeod, Assistant Professor of Philosophy

  • “Is There a Moral Obligation to Obey God?” Philo 3:1 (2000): 20-31
  • “What is Sidgwick’s Dualism of Practical Reason?” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 81 (2000): 273-90

Arnold A. Offner, Cornelia F. Hugel Professor and Head of History (editor)

  • (coeditor Theodore A. Wilson) Victory in Europe 1945: From World War to Cold War. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2000

James E. Reibman, Visiting Part-Time Instructor

  • “Wertham, Fredric (1895-1981).” St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture 5. Detroit: St. James Press, 2000. 111-14

Clifford A. Reiter, Professor of Mathematics

  • “With J: Finite Functions at a Glance.” APL Quote Quad 30.2 (December 1999): 7-11
  • Fractals Visualization and J, 2nd ed. Toronto: Jsoftware, 2000. 375

Robin Rinehart, Associate Professor of Religion

  • (coauthor Tony K. Stewart) “The Anonymous Agama Prakasa: Preface to a Nineteenth-Century Gujarati Polemic.” In Tantra in Practice. Ed. David Gordon. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000. 266-84

Joseph A. Sherma, John D. and Frances H. Larkin Professor of Chemistry

  • (coauthors Daniel J. Cline ’99 and Bernard Fried, Gideon R., Jr., and Alice L. Kreider Professor Emeritus of Biology) “High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatographic Analysis of Neutral Lipids and Phospholipids in Cerithidia californica (Gastropoda) Infected with Three Species of Larval Trematodes.” ACTA Chromatographica 10 (2000): 183-88
  • (coauthor Holly M. Baseski ’00) “Quantification of Triprolidine Hydrochloride and Methscopolamine Nitrate in Pharmaceutical Tables by HPTLC with Ultraviolet Absorbtion Denstirometry.” Journal of Planar Chromatography 13 (January/February 2000): 16:19
  • “Thin-layer Chromatography in Food and Agricultural Analysis.” Journal of Chromatography A 880 (2000): 129-47
  • “Planar Chromatography.” Analytical Chemistry 72.12 (2000): 9R-25R

M. Erol Ulucakli, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering (editor)

  • (coeditor David Pratt) “Thin Liquid Film Heat Transfer.” In Proceedings of the 2000 National Heat Transfer Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, August 20-22, 2000. New York: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2000. 82-85. [Book of Abstracts and CD Rom]

Lee Upton, Professor of English and Writer-in-Residence

  • “A Clear Gallon.” Ohio Review 61 (2000): -11 [fiction].
  • “Getting Rid of Him.” Ohio Review 61 (2000): 12-13 [fiction]
  • “The Oyster.” Barrow Street Summer 2000: 78 [poem]
  • “The Worm Belongs to the Apple.” Glimmer Train 36 (2000): 111-13 [fiction]
  • “Words for Robert.” Maryland Review 12 (2000): 72-76 [fiction]
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