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Lafayette College Student Government
October 16, 2001
An official meeting of the 2001 Student Government was held in the Farinon Center, Room 12 at 8:05 p.m. There were 12 members present.

Ben Mack President
Dana Newcomb Vice President
Morgan Albus (excused) Secretary
Colin Feehan Treasurer
Matt Bishop (excused) Community Affairs
Jacobi Cunningham Multicultural Affairs
Patrick Doherty Academic Affairs
Amy Giacobone Farinon Student Services
Elizabeth Harris Public Relations
Bradford Hill (excused) Greek Liaison
Jenna Menard Student Life
Jonathan Schecter Student Organizations
Rae Sheynberg Campus Student Services
Lauren Uhler Student Life
Meredith Walburg Elections

I. President’s Report – Ben Mack
A. The Relay for Life will be held this Saturday from noon to midnight. Please sign your name to the sign-up sheet, as well as the two-hour time block that you will be able to walk.
B. I would like meet with each representative individually to discuss the S.W.O.T. feedback that I received last week, and to talk about our interests for the rest of the semester.
C. We have been invited to a conference at West Point. The conference will be in early November, and will last 5 days. We may be too late to respond, but please see me if you are interested.
D. Please remember that our dinner with the Board of Trustees is Thursday, October 25 at 6:30. I would like for each representative to bring at least one topic for discussion to next week’s meeting.

II. Vice President’s Report – Dana Newcomb
A. Professor invites are missing from Ben and Matt
B. Faculty luncheon is Monday, October 29th at 12:15

III. Treasurer’s Report – Colin Feehan
A. Physics Club here to present emergency allocation
MOTION to allocate the Physics Club $450
B. MOTION to allocate $100 to Chi Phi’s 5K

IV. Farinon Student Services – Amy Giacobone
A. Dining Committee meeting on Wednesday at 12 noon in Marquis
B. Signs will be placed on tables in Farinon to encourage clean up

V. Campus Student Services – Rae Sheynberg
A. Planning on meeting with the president of LEAP in order to draft a contract for Jim Reilly

VI. Academic Affairs – Patrick Doherty
A. Will meet with Dean Hutchinson this coming Thursday.
B. Looking into Student Honor Committee that would be made up of all students

VII. Multicultural Affairs – Jacobi Cunningham
A. ABC activities are planned
1. ABC dinner – October 21st
B. Elections for exec board will now be this semester with training next semester
C. October 25th next LINC meeting
D. October 24this the minority recruitment meeting

VIII. Student Life – Jenna Menard
A. Working on pep rally shirts to throw out to the crowd
1. Will be receiving design this week from the company
B. Our shirts will be finalized tonight so this is the last chance for ideas
C. Spoke with Plant Operations about moving furniture in Atrium for the Pep Rally
D. FCC meeting on Thursday at 7:30pm

IX. Student Life – Lauren Uhler
A. Planning to email DKE and FIJI presidents this week to organize Zoo Crew sign ups

X. Elections – Meredith Walburg
A. Currently working on a schedule for the Student Government elections
1. Tentatively set for November 13th, 14th, and 15th

XI. Public Relations – Liz Harris
A. Put together a sheet for activities around campus. It will be distributed soon.

XII. Student Organizations – Jonathan Schecter
A. Sports Marketing Club started through Kirby Center by Tami Bacsik and Tye Gonser
B. Has labels for Ben
C. Chi Phi’s 5K is on Saturday

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm. These are the official minutes of the Student Government.

Respectfully Submitted,

Morgan Albus

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