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Lafayette College Student Government
October 30, 2001
An official meeting of the 2001 Student Government was held in the Farinon Center, Room 12 at 8:04 p.m. There were 14 members present.

Ben Mack President
Dana Newcomb Vice President
Morgan Albus Secretary
Colin Feehan Treasurer
Matt Bishop Community Affairs
Jacobi Cunningham Multicultural Affairs
Patrick Doherty Academic Affairs
Amy Giacobone (excused) Farinon Student Services
Elizabeth Harris Public Relations
Bradford Hill Greek Liaison
Jenna Menard Student Life
Jonathan Schecter Student Organizations
Rae Sheynberg Campus Student Services
Lauren Uhler Student Life
Meredith Walburg Elections

I. President’s Report – Ben Mack
A. MOTION to approve the minutes from October 16th
B. Trustee Weekend recap:
1. The administration and the attending members of the Board of Trustees were very pleased with our dinner last Thursday. They thought that the conversation was very productive, and were happy to see our progress.
2. The Lafayette Leadership Campaign wrap-up dinner was on Friday night. It was announced that the campaign raised nearly $213,000,000. The most recent goal for the campaign was set at $200,000,000. Nearly all fundraising initiatives were met, except for the Skillman Library project.
3. Resulting from Thursday’s dinner, of the members of the Board, Tom Neff asked that we come up with a response to the question, “What would make Lafayette fun?” Please share your feedback to the question.
C. LAF has requested a joint meeting with Student Government to discuss how the two groups can work most productively together. Jacobi will find out what meeting times will work well with the members of LAF.
D. We have been asked to help out with the production of the Commemorative Quilt throughout the next week. Please let me know if you can volunteer your time.

II. Vice President’s Report – Dana Newcomb
A. Faculty luncheon will be on November 12th at 12:15pm

III. Secretary’s Report – Morgan Albus
A. The sheet for office hours is going around. Please sing up.

IV. Treasurer’s Report – Colin Feehan
A. Wine Society is here to present an emergency allocation
MOTION to allocate the Wine Society 60 dollars and 50 cents
B. Riding Club is here to present an emergency allocation
MOTION to table the allocation for the Riding Club
C. Emile Durkheim Society is here to present an emergency allocation
MOTION to allocate the Emile Durkheim Society 150 dollars
D. MOTION to allocate money to the Outreach Center (Hunger and Homeless week) for advertising costs

V. Campus Student Services – Rae Sheynberg
A. Met with Hugh Harris to discuss the lighting situation around campus
1. The blue lights are being watched more carefully to prevent vandalism. The vandalism is not expensive, especially compared to other campuses.
2. Will be going on a lighting tour soon with Hugh Harris and Bruce Ferretti

VI. Academic Affairs – Patrick Doherty
A. Will meet with the provost to address academic issues concerning freshman orientation and also certain curriculum issues

VII. Student Life – Jenna Menard
A. FCC had their first event. They put candy in freshmen mailboxes. Their next meeting is on Thursday at 7:00pm
B. Emailed organizations to update them on what Student Government is doing so hopefully they will do the same in letting me know what they are currently working on
C. Pep rally
1. Set up for the Farinon atrium is finalized
2. In the process of getting a student DJ
3. Looking for ideas for crowd items
4. Spoke with Fred Brown in the Alumni office. He put a notice in the newsletter that is sent out to Lehigh Valley Alumni

VIII. Elections – Meredith Walburg
A. Mass mailer announcing elections was in boxes yesterday
B. Applications are due next Tuesday, November 6th
C. Working on web page
D. Look for some type of advertising this week for candidates

IX. Public Relations – Liz Harris
A. Please continue to use the calendar in our office to mark the dates of events
B. Continuing to compile a list of events for November. The updated bulletin board will be up soon

X. Student Organizations – Jonathan Schecter
A. Fly Fishing Club is here to present constitution
MOTION to approve the Fly Fishing constitution

XI. Greek Liaison – Bradford Hill
A. Dean Garnick will be addressing the new steps process to the Student Government next week
B. The winners of Greek Week are Delta Gamma and Fiji
C. Student Government will form a committee to review the S.T.E.P.S. process

XII. Community Affairs – Matt Bishop
A. Hunger and Homeless week will be held from November 12-16th. The following is the tentative schedule:
November 14th – Cardboard city on the quad
November 15th – Awareness Banquet
November 16th – Faces of Homelessness brown bag at 12:00 noon in the Marlo Room
– Sandwich preparation for midnight run
– Midnight Run to New York City at 10pm

XIII. Student Life – Lauren Uhler
A. Spoke with Brian Holt about Zoo Crew
1. Arranging a meeting with him for late this week/early next week. Received no response from Fiji
B. Compiled a list of email addresses of orientation leaders and RA’s to publicize the pep rally. Will notify them of the pep rally next week

XIV. Multicultural Affairs – Jacobi Cunningham
A. Letters were mailed out to all multicultural groups on campus. Received responses back from
HSL, Brothers of Lafayette, NIA, and the Association of Black Collegians. The groups
welcomed the letter and informed me of a few of their efforts
B. The next Student Multicultural Recruitment Advisory Team meeting will be on Tuesday, November 13th at 6:00pm.
C. In the process of organizing Expressions of Lafayette. The possible date is November 29th for the actual banquet
D. LINC has several requests for allocations and we will be meeting soon to discuss our allocating procedures for this semester
E. Will be attending the Black History Month Planning meeting tomorrow during lunch

The meeting was adjourned at 9:42 p.m. These are the official minutes of the Student Government.

Respectfully Submitted,

Morgan Albus

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