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Lambda Lambda Lambda has no fraternity house, no national affiliation, and no rushing or pledging. One thing it does have, however, is a bunch of athletes with the talent to win intramural events.

The group — which competes in the Men’s Greek division in the McGaughey Trophy standings but otherwise has nothing to do with the Greek system — won the over-six feet three-on-three basketball tournament, soundly defeating the International Students Association, 15-8, at Kamine Gym in Kirby Sports Center. The players were Spencer Williams ’02, Josh Sullivan ’03, Sam Innes ’04, and Eric Vacca ’04. The tournament ran from Oct. 22 through Nov. 9.

Earlier this semester, the Lambda Lambda Lambda team of Williams and Nathan Hawk completed an incredible four-year run as horseshoe champions. The athletic group also finished second in the flag football championship, losing a tough 6-0 game to FIJI. Lambda Lambda Lambda sits in fifth place in the standings with 238 points, putting it ahead of much larger groups such as Chi Phi and Zeta Psi, as well as the entire men’s residence hall division.

In other intramural action, the under-six feet men’s champion was a group of students calling themselves Senior Demeanor: Andrew Colton ’02, Neil Lovrich ’02, Ian Pierce ’02, Seth Thomas ’02, and David Woodruff ’02. FIJI finished in second place.

On the women’s side, Michelle Wiater ’03, Shivani Malhotra ’03, and Laura Benaquista ’03 won the tournament for ISA, defeating New Girls. Phi Phi sorority finished in third place.

In a squash tournament held Nov. 4 at the Kirby Sports Center courts, Usman Khan ’05 of ISA defeated Charles Deutsch ’02 of Zeta Psi in two games to take first place. Zeta Psi’s Jody Feldman ’02 finished third and Chris Fazen ’02 of Phi Kappa was fourth.

Alpha Phi’s Carrie Chiatt ’03 defeated independent Susan King ’04 to win women’s squash, with Delta Gamma’s Erin Vanacore ’02 taking third and Kara Henry ’03 of Pi Phi in fourth place.

The updated standings for the McGaughey Trophy as of Nov. 16:

Women’s Greek
Tri-Delt 447
AGD 299.5
Alpha Phi 231
ISA 181
Pi Phi 164
DG 87
Kappa 45

Men’s Greek
ISA 460
Theta Chi 446.5
FIJI 427
Phi Psi 346
Lambda Lambda Lambda 238
Chi Phi 228
Bum Squad 193
Show Time 164
Phi Kappa 156
Zeta Psi 105

Women’s Residence Hall
Watson 25
Soles 25

Men’s Residence Hall
Easton 146
P.T. Farinon 121
Watson 112
Gates 70
Farber 25

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