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Panel discussions on “Teaching Toward a Diverse Audience” will be held tomorrow and Wednesday in the Farinon Center Marlo Room.

Tomorrow’s discussion will take place 4:10-5:30 p.m., featuring panelists Susan Basow, Dana Professor of Psychology; Sheila Handy, assistant professor of economics and business; and Javad Tavakoli, associate professor and head of chemical engineering. Snacks and drinks will be provided.

The Wednesday event will be held noon-1:10 p.m., featuring Handy; John McCartney, associate professor and head of government and law; and Bryan Washington, associate professor of English. Lunch will be provided.

The events are organized by the Committee on Teaching and Learning and sponsored by the Provost’s Office. For more information, contact Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger, associate professor of foreign languages & literature, at x5255 or

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